Hardware: Shipbreakers is now officially Homeworld: Shipbreakers thanks to Gearbox

Original developers of Homeworld were working on a new game that was a spiritual successor to Homeworld - Hardware: Shipbreakers. They’ve now worked out a deal with Gearbox to get the Homeworld IP, financial, and development support to make it Homeworld: Shipbreakers.


Looks good, but the link to homeworld isn’t that huge from what I see. It does kind of look like homeworld on the ground I suppose, but this is, in my opinion, not an improvement.

Yeah, what? Shipbreakers’ gameplay looked nothing like Homeworld.

Well I’d never heard of “Hardware: Shipbreakers”, but the traileron that page certainly had a graphical, audio and UI aesthetic that were reminiscent of Homeworld. It sounded like they might’ve actually been sampling/reusing some of the exact same audio files (e.g., the radio chatter, some of the ambient music).

That said, I don’t quite understand how the spiritual successor to Homeworld can be set on a planetary surface. I guess they might be doing some cool 3d volume stuff, with more elevation control than you have in a game like Supreme Commander?

Apart from the obvious difference between ground game and space game, the gameplay (the very few snippets we have) actually looks like Homeworld, in 2d.
A vast desert <=> vast space
Points with old machinery to take scrap <=> asteroids to mine in the middle of space
big ass truck that deploys little cars <=> big mothership that deploys little ships
strategic view <=> strategic view
2d cutscenes <=> 2d cutscenes
a pair of trucks advancing in the middle of the desert with a trail of dust <=> a pair of scouts flying with their trails

Agreed - there’s enough in there, and if you add in the lore then I could see a nice tie-in. However, like MrPinguin mentioned, I’d never even heard of the original title let alone this news. Reading the comments, it doesn’t seem terribly close to release, but at least it’s nice that somebody is getting some use out of the IP. Of course, I’m also looking forward to seeing Stardock’s version of Star Control either, and that’s likely years off.

PS - hopefully this group will abandon the sliding difficulty, but I guess that’s just a pipe dream of me and a few old-timers.

Wow, very cool! The title sounded kînda stupid, but watching the video got me excited. I think it’s fantastic what Gearbox is doing. Still hope we get a super high-def remake of the original homeworld games.

I don’t get this. The wreckage of the ship united all the tribes. Is the starting point of Homeworld, hope.

Now if the tribes are just fighting over some capital ship wreckage, is like the anti-homeworld.

I kind of like more a new world, with a new story.

I see what you’re saying, but I can also see how this might lead in to another galaxy-spanning saga (e.g., they salvage a ship that has a map to the Lost City of Golden Fountains of Youth). I loved-loved-loved the story aspects of Homeworld 1. Cataclysm and Homeworld 2 were OK, but they clearly lacked the drama that came with the primitive Higarrans putting everything they had into one big ship and undertaking a great and perilous journey to reclaim their birthright (and learning about their tragic past along the way).

I need to look up the credits from HW1 and compare them to this new company. I wonder what ‘the original developers of Homeworld’ means in this case.

It seems unlikely that the game will have both ground based and space based combat.

30 minute presentation for tech stuff in Homeworld: Shipbreakers during the Unite 2015 Unity conference.

Looking a lot like a Total Annihilation / Supreme Commander from the trailer.

I’m assuming this game will be set before the Hiigarans were exiled. Otherwise it won’t make any sense at all.