X10 news (mostly release dates)

So is nobody talking about Fable3? Because I’ve been reading interviews today, and I’m ashamed to say that Peter Molyneux is actually making me excited for a game. I know it’s Molyneux and that he’s lying but even so!

In my defense, Fable 2 was the best RPG of its year, so he’s got some credibility.

It was more than that for me. It was the most emotionally engaging game I’ve ever played. So I’m basically willing to write Molyneux a blank check at this point. I will buy Fable 3 sight unseen, so I don’t really want to read too much about it.

Recharging health: it’s about time. No XP: eh, if you can still “level up” outside the story, then great. Touch: stop being so pretentious.