XBOX 360 elite trade-ups?

Here’s what Kaiser_911, reportedly an EB Games manager, had to say:

Its me again, Kaizer_911 an EB Games Manager…not sure when the promotion starts but we got the flyers and materials a few days ago in our marketing update…there is going to be Elite trade-in/up promotions…trade in a working 360 Pro towards an elite and you get 250 off, trade in a working 360 core and get 200 off, trade in a regular xbox towards an elite and get 90 off. Once again not sure when this starts but I would imagine once the systems hit store shelves.

Hmm if this is true than that HDMI port only cost you $50 (amount over the $180 120gb rip off)

If you bought a 2yr warranty from microsoft I wonder if you can transfer it to the elite.

You would have to give up your hard drive too though.

What would you need it for? you have a new 120gb one. You’d lose saves unless you had the 3rd party backup HW or a memory card though, so subtract $40 from the trade in price.

There were rumors that MS would provide a tool to allow transferring data from Premium to Elite. Presumably similar to the cable they sell with the 120GB HDD.

This would be valuable to me.

The Elite and the stand alone 120GB hard drive both come with the cable to transfer an existing drive onto the new one, the problem is that EB isn’t likely to let you hook it all up in the store as you perform the trade in, so you’re not going to be in posession of both drives at once to make the transfer.

I’m one of the 3 people who bought a Core since it was all I could find, so that solves the HDD issue for me. Hopefully this is real.

Heh, same here. Sounds like I can trade-up while keeping my hard-drive! I’ll definitely look into getting an Elite if this turns out to be true.

The Elite will not come with a transfer cable or any means to transfer data. Only the standalone Hard Drive will.

What? I could’ve sworn that’s not what they said back on the original Major Nelson podcast announcing it.

Based on what I read from the guy from MS Germany, the transfer cable only comes with the separate HD. Take also note that the bundle content listed at Gamerscore does mention the HDMI cable - no transfer cable though.


Correct. Elite does NOT come with a transfer cable. MS is assuming that most Elite buyers are going to be NEW buyers with few upgraders.

Isn’t your Gamertag information stored on your hard drive? How will that get transferred?

I’m not even sure how you could make that mistake, you can log in as your gamertag on another xbox and download the info now as you’ve always been able to

I’m definitely tempted…

Tricksy caveat to recovering your gamertag though … when you buy a game on a console, you buy two licenses - one for your tag, and one for the X360 you bought it on. So, you (signed in as the purchasing tag) can play it anywhere, but also anyone (signed in as anyone) can play it on your X360.

When you get a new one, that second license stays on the old X360. The only way to ‘transfer’ it is to get a refund of the points from Microsoft CS on the promise that you’ll immediately buy another copy of whatever it was.

Then I guess the cost estimate goes a little something like this:

Value of new Xbox 360 Elite: $479
Trade-in value of Xbox Pro: $250
Cost of a new Xbox 360 Elite: $229

If you are an existing Xbox Pro customer though and you are running out of hard drive space and want the larger hard drive now available, then you’d lop off an additional $179 from $229, leaving a price tag of $50 to upgrade to HDMI -and lose any saved games from your system.

This would be a no-brainer if I could use my 360 drive to store movies from my computer. As is, it’s still very tempting.

I have an Xbox I haven’t played in a while, so trading for a deal on the elite might be what i wind up doing.

Maybe I should finish Ninja Gaiden first, though, since I guess I’ll be losing the save.

Maybe use something like this to transfer all your content to your pc hard drive and then back once you get the elite:
(note: I haven’t used this before)

for software xplorer360: