Xbox Series X - The next Xbox that's boxy but sexy xXx

Finally got to sit down this morning, the last day of the Demo Fest, and try a few out.

  • Sail Forth, a cute little sailing game. It’s kind of (intentionally) goofy in style, but has nice sailing and wind mechanics. A million options to remap controls, cameras, etc.

  • Ynglet, a super weird little puzzle-platformer(?), I guess? Weird, hand-drawn art, neat mechanics, especially the checkpoint system. It was pretty cool.

  • Boxville a pretty basic point-and-click adventure thing. Snooze. Neat art, though.

  • Grotto Not at all sure what to make of this. Maybe an adventure/puzzle game? W at I do know is that it is first-person-perspective, it’s really dark, and they don’t allow you to invert the y-axis. Fumbled around for a bit and exited out. Ain’t got time for that nonsense.