Xbox Series X - The next Xbox that's boxy but sexy xXx

Well, we can hope that as developers can plan around this feature going forward, they can just show a momentary “online connection lost – re-syncing” popup without kicking you all the way out to the main menu.

Thanks so much for that, I wish I had known this years ago!

I was thinking about this more earlier. What Microsoft should do is provide a system-level API games can query and set the game’s audio options automatically based on the speaker configuration. Or at least default correctly! Some help text explaining this would be nice too!!

I don’t know how they expect anyone to figure this out on their own. I guess most people leave the game settings alone so they get what they get?

If they wanted to, they’d do it already - it was already an issue with a bunch of single player games last gen. The only way it changes is if MS makes it part of cert, if you ask me.

There may be relief. I found an option on the settings for “Share Usage Data” and turned it off. I do believe they asked me about that when I first started the game, and did opt-in. I’m generally ok with that stuff, but not if it costs me minutes every time I want to play. We’ll see if that makes a difference when I come back tomorrow.

Re: loading times…

On the Dolby Atmos tangent, I’m not sure if this has been mentioned, but it’s on sale for $10.50 for a few weeks. Just bought it and things are sounding better already!

the issue with jedi fallen order seems odd since that was one of the games used in the example I watched. Most games I play have a similar problem though, where since they notice you were not on, you end up at the menu anyway

Assassin’s Creed Valhalla runs at (mostly) 60fps on the XSX but 30fps on XSS. May not be a great data point since we’re still dealing with games built for last gen, but it’s a weird choice.

Yes and based on that one datapoint I would personally never even consider buying a XSS.

EDIT: Kevin, please finish coffee before reading/commenting.

Not quite sure I follow, and this may be what you meant, but to clarify this is a PS5/Xbox Series S/X version of AC Valhalla, not a last gen version running in backward compatibility mode, but ultimately this is still a game that was developed with supporting both generations as its target.

DF thought they should have been able to target 1080p 60fps rather than the compromises they made. It’s more an odd decision from Ubisoft than a reflection of the power of the machine. See what they are doing in Forza Horizon 4, for example.

Oh for sure, I watched that video too, but it doesn’t matter. If the XSS isn’t “an XSX, but 1080p” for all games then as far as I’m concerned it can go screw itself.

You’re not following because I had a brain fart, although I partially blame Microsoft’s branding. :) I had misread as it was running at 60 FPS on the One X (at what I assumed was lower fidelity in some way) but only 30 FPS on the Series S. I thought that was really weird, but then thought that while older, the One X is still more expensive than the Series S so maybe it’s not as strange as I originally thought. I’m not up to speed on how the One X and Series S compare hardware wise.

Anyway, I just misread so ignore my post above. :)

My recollection is that MS was clear on this: they are targeting 60FPS gaming on the Series X and 30FPS on the Series S. Resolution (e.g., dynamic resolution in the case of Valhalla) is used as the variable. The reports I’ve seen are that the Series S will go over 1080P in Valhalla when system resources and the TV hardware allow, scaling down to 1080P, when needed, to maintain the target 30FPS.

But yes, the Series X just seems to get you a ton more performance than the Series S.

Your recollection is incorrect. See FH4 running at 60fps on Series S and Ori running at 4K 60fps on the same machine. There is no 30fps target for series S.

They are targeting similar performance to Series X at lower resolution for next gen titles (caveat: we are still wondering what will happen in practice).

For back compat, it defaults to the One S version with better performance, but developers can choose to patch it to run at higher res or framerate if they wish.

See, this seems weird to me… I feel like the XSS should be targeting 60 fps, but only at 1080p.

Like, in my personal setup, I honestly don’t need 4k. The TV’s not close enough that I’m gonna benefit from that bump in resolution.

I have a XSX, so I guess it’s moot, but I think even when I upgrade my TV, I’d still rather take 1080p at a higher framerate. Maybe 1440p, tops.

I didn’t mean to imply that they wouldn’t go over 30FPS when the demand would allow for it, just that they were varying resolution, when needed. Perhaps my recollection is wrong and this is just for Valhalla (meaning the decision was Ubisoft’s rather than MS’s?). This was the vid I recently watched:

It goes through the differences between SX, SS, and PS5 in detail for Valhalla. They specifically note that the SS would go over 1080P when it could while still maintaining 30FPS (rather than keeping it at 1080P and raising the FPS).

You are correct. That’s specific to Valhalla and what Ubisoft decided to do for this game, much to DF’s surprise.