Xbox Series X - The next Xbox that's boxy but sexy xXx

All the apps on my XSX have the “getting app ready” bug, where it quickly flashes on screen a bunch of times and then never loads. I looked this up and apparently you can fix it by uninstalling and reinstalling those apps, but I never bothered as I don’t actually use them.

Note this only happens to apps, not games. Dunno why. Stupid-ass bug.

I would like to uninstall the MS Store app on Xbox to see if it fixes the constant update loop but I see no way to uninstall it.

Yeah, you’re probably SOL there.

Could you try doing a factory reset?

I thought about it but don’t really want to do it except as a last resort.

If you have an external drive, you could move your games to there so you don’t have to redownload them.

I might do that, still a PITA though.

Keep an eye on your email if you are in the market for a Series X. MS sent me a link to buy a Halo Limited edition as part of a bundle (also buy a digital game + extra controller). Not a big deal, as most or the games are on sale and most controllers are a few bucks off, too. Couldn’t resist, those things are impossible to find.

EDIT: Delivery will not be in time for Christmas.

I got that email too! I feel special. They didn’t email me last time.

I actually managed to have two XboxSX arrive before Christmas, so I now have my own as well as one for my nieces. I’ve mainly been playing FH5 as I’d dropped it for a while (finally bagged my Koenigsegg One last evening). Any suggestions for particularly good Xbone–>Series X upgrades?

That’s a tough one since I haven’t fired up my Xbone for games since November 2020.

Gears 5? Forza Horizon 4? Those are a couple I remember from last year.

I’d imagine Sea of Thieves would be awesome in 4K with fast refresh rates on a Series X too. That game is just plain sailing and pirating fun regardless mind you.

As I haven’t been able to secure a Series X yet, I don’t know what the best showcases are. But FH5 and Sea of Thieves would be 2 I’d love to play on it.

Sea of Thieves is so not my sort of game, unfortunately.

Another question, as I don’t have kids and my brother and my sister-in-law are complete technophobes: Is there a really simple guide to setting up children with parental controls from scratch (it’s possible the adults already have MS accounts, but they might be tied to work) that anyone can recommend? And are there any issues with family sharing for Game Pass (there’ll only be the one console involved).

No man’s sky was cool on the XSX. Microsoft flight simulator runs very well.

Runs even better on my PC



There’s this site, see, called Worldstar Hiphop. It’s famous for videos of scumbags having fights, typically portly hookers outdoors at gas stations and in fast food restaurants. Whoever is filming the carnage often yells “WORLDSTAR!!!” and puts their face in the video with glee.

You’ve probably seen the most famous Worldstar video of all time, the 8-ball jacket guy.

Nope. Don’t do social media, so unless these things go super viral I never see them.

Neither do I, I believe I discovered Worldstar on Reddit a long-ass time ago. Anyway, I love this stuff.