So I was in EB thinking to myself “Self, you really need a cool game to play that will take advantage of your brand spankin new Athlon XP 2200+ with the geForce 4 Ti 4200 with 128MB”
Unfortunately, the part of the self that rose to the challenge was apparently the part that also decided to purchase Windows ME. This part suggested that Xtreme Air Racing would hit the spot quite nicely. What a doophus that part is.
Cathcart tried to warn me, saying to me as I head to the register “Dude, it has ‘Xtreme’ in the title…are you crazy?”
Briefly, the PCGamer review of Xtreme Paintbrawl flashed through my head, but unfortunately, my Windows ME part won out.
So after installing the game, “playing” it for 4 minutes, crashing my boring Mustang P-51D straight into the boring ground at an Xtremely slow speed mislabeled as “432 mph”, then uninstalling the “game,” I have coalesced my thoughts into the following statement:
“This game sucks.”
Once I had uninstalled this turkey and prepped it for its return journey to EB’s island of misfit games, I looked up some reviews. Sometimes I like to be post-warned…you know, after it’s too late and all.
A certain “Denny Atkin” of CG Online seemed generally positive about the game. DennyA, if that’s you, it looks like your editor pared your review down to the CG Online equivalent of “Mostly Harmless,” because it certainly didn’t post-warn me that the game sucked.
Now, Steve Hildrew on the other hand…he’s my new hero.
His review gets right to the heart of the matter.
“It’s pretty hard for simulators to be, well, xtreme, due to the constant striving for reality.”
He post-warns me in exactly the way I would like to have been warned if I had taken the time to allow myself to be pre-warned.
So Denny Atkin, if you’re out there, don’t let your editors take the review out of the review next time ok?
Look, I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt this time. They probably cut out the part where you say “Only play this game if you are a hardcore fan of Xtremely realistic ennui.”