You aren't the only one that noticed Ubisoft is in a rut

Interesting, but Breakpoint did review poorly too. Can’t remember how Div 2 was received.

Pretty sure the previous Ghost Recon reviewed poorly as well but was pretty popular. That said I have heard Breakpoint is worse by a significant margin.

I think ghost recon 2 and division 2 were both off Steam. Maybe

One reason we still buy Ubi games is that they are always trying to improve and that leaves a mark in the new games.

Big Ubisoft sale going on all over lately. I picked up Child of Light on the Switch. It might have great reviews, but I’d suggest buying the game on another platform. The Switch version (I only ever play docked) has inconsistent frame rates and that screws with the immersion, which is supposed to be one of the selling points.

Child of Light ran just fine on the Vita; I would think it would run perfectly on the Switch.

The Switch can run Diabla 3 and a version of Witcher 3, so I never expected issues with Child of Light either.