You had one job



I suspect the one about the peanuts is not fair. I bet there is some type of law warning people about peanuts.

I remember watching the TV show Real People and they made fun of a company’s label for natural imitation ketchup. The company wrote in to say that by law Ketchup had to be made with sugar and they used honey. Thus, the label Natural Imitation Ketchup. That story always stuck with me for some reason.

Usually when they warn you about something containing a peanut… it’s not literally a peanut they’re talking about.

A peanut is not a containment of peanut; a peanut just is.

That is deep, man. :)

The handrail one looks like the rail just broke off at the bottom end and the mount came loose at the top.

A moment of Zen from Nesrie?

The shell you can see contains peanuts.



The pumpkin one is great because its two in one. Why the fuck would you make blue pumpkin pails.

Blue pumpkins are a thing!

They are! And I used one to make pumpkin pie last year.

And pumpkin cookies

And soup

And you get the idea.

Wow. Learned something new. Do they have the same texture and taste as the classic orange pumpkins?

Pretty much. Though it is interesting that if your expectation of “pumpkin” comes from canned pumpkins used to make pumpkin pie, that’s actually Dickinson squash, which is orange, but not pumpkin shaped.

Blue jack-o-lanterns signify food allergies for trick or treaters.

Huh. I didn’t know that, despite having trick-o-treat age kids. I suspect it isn’t that effective of a signal if most people aren’t aware of it, assuming I’m not an outlier.

The parents of the kids affected are away are of it. I’ve put a blue pumpkin pail at my front door for several years because I offer play-doh and slime as an alternative to candy.

I think part of the challenge is they trademarked it so it’s not something people can just run with anymore.

Slight correction, it might be the Teal pumpkin. Something out there is definitely not something you can create on the fly.

Oh, so you put the hypoallergenic candy in it for the allergic kids? I would have assumed that it was meant to signal to someone handing out candy that they shouldn’t give that kid nut candy or something, in which case the person handing out would have to be aware of the signal.

I put a blue pumpkin in front of the house, and it let’s the kids and parents know I have something that is not edible available. The kids and the parents know to ask for it or just take it.

I have never received more than 20 kids at my houses, and I got 7 last year, so when I buy the slime or playdoh and Costco, which is like I don’t 30 or 40 of them, it just make it available to all kids and keep a handful in the back in case a run out and kids who actually can’t have the candy show up.

I just looked it up, it is the Teal Pumpkin. That tells trick or treaters you have something for them. There is also a map you can sign up for but I don’t do that. The local kids know eventually I offer toys and slime and playdoh and that sort of thing well enough, or at least they did where I used to live. Kids without allergies were super excited for the slime I got one year, so that was a hit all around.

A couple of years ago our news stations did a few articles on the program, but I had known about it before then due to FB mostly.