You know you are are an Over-the-Hill Gamer when:

Useless?!? Lemonade Stand!

  1. Since when do adventure games need graphics?
  1. Use up a lot of your gaming time trying to decide on what game you feel like playing (Or is that just me?)

Nope - I can unfortunately spend an entire evening doing this…

Yep me too then end map playing the original game you were thinking of.

  1. Spending more time browning game fora than actualy playing games
  1. You have code wheels from game boxes in your closet.

Same here, especially with the kids around and having to take into consideration what I can or can’t play around them. So my “what do I want to play now?” sessions fall into two categories, the kids are around game list and the kids are all in bed game list.


Get off my f*&^ing lawn!

No, but really, I picked up 9$ Tropico 4 and it had Facebook/Twitter integration. Why? Who uses these things. I clicked on it just to see what would happen, and it looks like screenshot + canned joke spam. Why anyone would want to do that?

  1. You’re disappointed when you open a game’s box and there’s no cloth map inside

  2. You still think games come in boxes.

Nope, this happens to me far too often too. ;)

Fondly remember California Games and surfing the pipeline on the C64.

Remember recording programs to the tape player on my VIC-20. I wrote a fake stock market program that I played a lot.

dirty console gamer!

the “guru meditation” amiga reference made me feel old :(

Oh ye who go about saying unto each: ‘Hello, sailor’
Dost thou know the magnitude of thy sins before the gods?

I can one-up this. I’m still bummed that I can never again play El-Fish because of the 486-specific ASM code that it contained.

Or little square folders.

Or, if they’re budget conscious games, little plastic flip cases with a 5.25" floppy disk inside (anyone else remember the budget line of C64 games that were like $10 while things like The Bard’s Tale were $29 or even $39? I bought a lot of those, and many of them were pretty decent! Think the name was like Mastertronix or something similar…)

if you’re not using DOSBox, you are getting too old!


  1. You wonder why game’s still aren’t played on a monochrome screen with ascii art , text , and progression via numerical choices.

When you remember when word processors came on ROMs.