Your Daily McMaster: three games flying below your radar

Title Your Daily McMaster: three games flying below your radar
Author Jason McMaster
Posted in Features
When January 21, 2014

Every year I'm surprised by a few games. This year Cube World, 7 Days to Die, and Monaco took me unawares, providing more enjoyment than many of the games I was actually expecting. We all know about the big titles coming out in 2014..

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I've never played Fallen London, but Sunless Sea looks very cool.

"the game[']s soundtrack"
"Plants vs[.] Zombies"
"[S]o when something pops up time and time again"

So excited for Sunless Sea. I do love using my imagination with Fallen London, but I'd also really love to _see_ the place in a game world. Hurry up, Failbetter!

I blame Tom with all my typos, whether he deserves it or not.

TOMMMM!!!!!! *shakes fist at the sky*

Sunless Sea was one of those no-brainier Kickstarters, even though I'm backing fewer of those these days.

"Sunless Sea is gonna ROCK!" /makes horns sign with hand