Your Top Six “Western Films”?

Is Blade Runner noir
Is Deus Ex Human Revolution
Would Altered Carbon fit
How about early Gibson?

I’d say yes to all of the above being noir, noir is as much about tone and style as it is setting.

Likewise western. It’s a tone, a style as much as a setting.

Lawless or very loosely enforced laws
Hardscrabble life where luxury is nearly absent and necessity is hard
Lots of open space, travel through desolate areas with few people, and even fewer who aren’t hostile
Vendetta, personal code of honor, or the lone ‘man of action’ feature prominently
Strong distrust of some ‘other’, be it along national, racial, or regional lines, often driving some interpersonal conflict (bonus points if resolving this is a major point of growth for a main character)

These strike at the core of a Western, and are why Firefly qualifies, why No Country fits for me. It’s about tone, and that strikes true.

I’d say Firefly is definitely more western than science fiction, which is one reason why it annoyed me so much.

Very busy…typical for the Era. McCabe & Mrs. Miller has this one usually:

Fantastic soundtrack by Leonard Cohen. Probably Julie Christie’s greatest screen role. It’s on my Six for a reason…transcendent film. Probably on my all-time list of films, period.

Agree. No Country even has meditations on Violence, Freedom, Individualism and Heroism. Solidly associated with classically John Ford-Western themes.

And though seen as modern, its a late 70s/early 80s period piece. I mean if they wanted to set it in 2007, they could have. The Coens aren’t known for obliviousness. :)

No Country for Old Men isn’t.

See the post right above yours. :)

A lot of great choices listed, so I’ll add just one my favorites for now. This is a very different James Stewart from the Ransom Stoddard of The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance.

You are not wrong. I saw it last week, and the thought definitely crossed my mind. Bonus points for the quick draw resolution in a desert at the end.

So Solo is in your top six westerns then?

Maybe there should be a separate category for “western slash” (no, not that, get your head out of the gutter) stuff like:

Western/Comedy - Blazing Saddles
Western/Sci-Fi - Firefly, Solo
Western/Contemporary - No Country

No Country For Old Genres: McCarthy, The Coens, and the Neo-Western

“Genre films essentially ask the audience, “Do you still want to believe this?” Popularity is the audience answering, “Yes.” Change in genre occurs when the audience says, “That’s too infantile a form of what we believe. Show us something more complicated.” And genres turn to self-parody to say, “Well, at least if we make fun of it for being infantile, it will show how far we’ve come.” Films and television have in this way speeded up cultural history.” – Leo Braudy

They merely belong in more than one category. You are such a slicer and dicer, Dive!

Code much? :)

Can’t abide a mess, Mr. Gun.

So… Logan? 😁

Ohhhhh! OK, never seen it. I’ll defer to @CraigM

There are probably enough Space Westerns to fill a separate category.

Open Range
The Cowboys
The Outlaw Josey Wales
The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance

Not a film - but I would include Deadwood if I could!

Yes, Deadwood uber alles.

If this was a TV thread, indeed.