Doctor Strange - Marvel's sorceror supreme KHAAAAAAN

I can’t tell from the photo whether it is eye-shaped, as per Strange’s usual Eye of Agamotto or if they’ve modified to be an Infinity Gem, as you’ve speculated.

I’m surprised they didn’t dye his hair to have the greater black/white contrast that Strange usually has.

I’m pretty sure it will turn out to be an Infinity Gem. Everything in the Marvel movies at this point is powered by an Infinity Gem.

Ren’s lightsaber has those venting ports on the side because it’s powered by an Infinity Gem.

Ha. With Disney holding the One Ring that rules them all, I’m surprised Mickey from Fantasia didn’t turn out to be the Sorcerer Supreme, with Darth Sidius as his master when he was an apprentice, wielding a wand powered by an infinity gem.

I wouldn’t be surprised if in a future Star Wars movie, the FX guys sneak the ship from Guardians of the Galaxy into the background of a big battle like ILM did with a literal kitchen sink in Revenge of the Sith.

Or vice versa. Have an X-Wing in the background of Guardians 2.

I’m just so beyond pleased that they managed to work the high collar in.

Looks spiffy-doo, especially the “spell” graphics, right on the money.

I wonder if this will be a younger, more inexperienced and only recently elevated Sorcerer Supreme?

It’s almost certainly going to be an origin story, I think. That said, people go grey with age or stress, I don’t think their brown hair turns black! But maybe the white will come in ala Rogue.

I betcha by the end of the movie he’s rocking the whitewalls. :)

Wong as Wong.

Still doesn’t make it right.

That’s a lot of Wong numbers.

Street Countdown!

Didn’t realize that Chiwetel Ejiofor was in this. Super excited.

Is it me, or do none of these still images from marvel movies ever work? The movie might be fantastic, but still images… it never does it justice.

Yes, I was at Wizard Con yesterday in St. Louis and this photo looks like something I could have snapped any of a dozen times of the various people enjoying cosplay.

That really has the look of “You said one more picture twenty pictures ago. Can we go, now?”

The good thing is that they don’t look completely ridiculous and Cumberbatch is a spot on Strange in the looks department.

It just shows how much modern movies looks are done or can change in post production with coloring, lighting, effects and such.

The Marvel stuff always looks a bit ridiculous out of context. Somehow, they make it work onscreen. I also love that they embrace the silliness of it, to a point, rather than just dressing up everyone in boring modern interpretations of the costumes. Ten years ago, or any other studio, we’d have Doctor Strange in a trench coat (collar popped) and combat boots.