The Last of Us - Naughty Dog's Next

Polygon wasn’t exactly over the moon with it. I think I’ll give my wallet a rest with this one.


I believe Tom’s PS3 is dead… so probably no review… I am so dependent on Tom’s reviews, that I am hesitatant to spend money on the game. Maybe after 3-4 weeks when the gamers start to talk honestly about the game (after they overcome their Stockholm syndrome), I might reconsider

Honestly Naughty Dog games are not process/mechanics driven games, and they drive process/mechanics people crazy. They’re the headline act of this dimly differentiated and barely coagulated sub-genre you might call “3rd person action-adventure” games in which the headline experience is the audio-visual experience first, the writing second, and the game mechanics third. I’d put Bioshock Infinite, Tomb Raider, Remember Me all as games in this group. The Uncharted games are, for my money, where consoles have innovated most in this generation.

I’ve seen him on PSN recently. I believe it has been replaced or repaired.

If Sony’s PR has an ounce of sense, then Tom won’t be reviewing this game before it releases on the 14th. Qt3 doesn’t have a single positive PS3 review on Metacritic, at least by Metacritic’s standards.

Why not pass the time until Tom’s review by checking out The Last of Us review thread on Neogaf. A particularly loud group of those guys had a meltdown (here) when Uncharted 3 received a few 8’s — a week before release, mind you. Their response to (mostly) Polygon’s 7.5 review for TLoU has been measured by comparison, but it’s still good for a few laughs. Here’s a pretty good starting point.

I think Naughtydog games just play well with reviewers, they generally heavily overrated Uncharted 2 IMO.

Uncharted 2 is probably my favourite PS3 game, so if they’re reviewing this highly for the same reasons, that’s a good sign as far as I’m concerned.

I’d far rather see Tom review The Swapper, or Call of Juarez: Gunslinger.

Really? Are we still doing this?

Hopefully not, I was snarking on those who still believe this.

We don’t really have a game to talk about yet. ;)

The reviews are an interesting thing when it comes to high profile games. I’ve been taken away by the promise of the game and am eagerly looking forward to this. I’ll just do my best to keep a level head when talking about it but I am reasonably confident that at worst it won’t be a waste of my time and at best it can be another Arkham City game of the year phenomenon.

Tom M

I remember seeing an early video of this where the presenter was demo’ing the social system where you use guns to bluff people/stuff and thinking it was really meh.

It will be interesting to see if the game remained being meh and is just getting an undeserved ratings either through bribery or insanity, similar to the uncharted series, or whether it is actually good now. My gut tells me it is probably the former and that I will likely not be rushing to order this game after I watch a bunch of updated videos, but we shall see.

Not having a PS3, I was a little peeved about the exclusivity of this, but today a friend offered to loan me his PS3 once he’s done with it, so that sort of made my day. As a native Pittsburgher, I’m curious to see how much of the local geography I can identify.

Oh cool, I didn’t know it was Pittsburgh.

the kaz account is fake, but I still lol’d

I love it.

Anything from the Tominator yet on if this one is worth it?

The gameplay videos certainly are anything but a match for all of the praise it is getting, but maybe i will order it anyway.

I do not care for the uncharted series though. They aren’t bad games, but they just aren’t good games, exceptional in only production values (which is enough for many obviously).

That’s what I’m concerned about, Uncharted was an OK series to me. Sounds like there may be some more deeper systems at play here like crafting though, so I’m curious if there is some depth to it. Or if it’s Uncharted with monsters.

Ever make it to the 3rd act of an uncharted game?

; )