12 reasons Agents of Mayhem isn't just another open-world playground

WAit for a Steam sale or other sale. Though given reviews I kinda hope more people pay full price. If not I think it’s gonna tank.

I should just delete that post, I went ahead and bought it for PC from GMG for $46. I wanted to go HDR on PS4 but fuck them and their stupid digital pricing.

It’s HDR on PC

Not a bad bit of advice in this Forbes article. I think “Mulligan” is the Gremlin Tech he mentions I was talking about above.

This tells me all I need to know about that guy’s familiarity with the game:

You might as well take advice from someone who brags about how he played all the way through Diablo III without ever having to change his skills. The Gremlin Tech is an important pillar of gameplay.


So is the Johnny Gat dlc op? I love his Mayhem skill so much.

Every character in Agents of Mayhem is op. :)


On a standard monitor?

Sounds more like playing through D3 and only ever taking the Templar. Like the article is saying the auto revive tech is so good, why take anything else?

Well, you’re not “taking” anything. You’ve got them all in your pocket at any given time. It’s just a question of when and how you use them. Open with one tech, use another tech during combat, and save the revive tech for when you need it?

I’m guessing the dude breezed through the game on an easy difficulty level. Which is a perfectly viable way to play, but it doesn’t give you much insight into the combat system. I’ve had the difficulty pegged as high as I can, and I’m finding a use for all sorts of different tools, abilities, skills, characters, etc. And especially for the various Gremlin techs. There are 29 – 29! – of them in the game and even though I’ve only seen 12, I’m absolutely positive more than one of them is useful.


Oh, right! I’ve only got two so far, didn’t realise you could swap all of them in and out in the field at will! Awesome.

Well, not at will! While a Gremlin tech is in effect, it’s locked into the slot and can’t be swapped out. Furthermore, there’s a cooldown after each tech that locks the slot. It varies by tech, but I think it’s basically a minute and a half. So you can’t double-up on techs and you can’t swap them out willy-nilly, which would be a real interface PITA anyway.

But after the cooldown, there’s no reason not to swap over to whatever tech is useful for the situation.


Ah yeah, like D3 skills. Except consumeable and craftable. How much do they stack? I noted mine have a ‘2’ on the icon, I’m assuming that means I have two of them.

I’m doing the Rama mission but haven’t got access to her yet, so just familiarising myself with the starting line-up… and I think I’m already sweet on Fortune. ♥♥♥

Tom, any reason you are playing on PC and not PS4? If I recall you tend to favor the console version of games all other things being equal.

Hostage rescues are so much fun, and watching them bounce away is just genius design.

I’m actually preferential to PC versions these days. For starters, I can play them just fine in the living room with Big Picture. But also, there’s a 12-year-old in the house who is obsessed with FIFA, which is some sort of basketball games, I think. And it’s on the PS4, so I’m happy to cede it to him. But mainly, I’ve got a beefy enough videocard (Nvidia 1080) that things look better on the PC.


Well, no, you have to have an HDR capable display. But assuming you have such a TV, as you must if you were talking about going HDR on Playstation, you can hook up your PC to it. It may require some fiddling to get working though, particularly with the limited bandwidth of current HDMI. I had to drop my refresh rate to 30Hz to get it working at 4K. Alternatively you can drop the resolution.

Ha! I was wondering why I’ve been seeing you play FIFA on PSN. I knew something wasn’t right.

Not sure if this was mentioned, but on Steam, there’s a free DLC skin pack that doesn’t automatically download when you install.

Nice find!