17th Annual QT3 Secret Santa (2023) - a gift exchange game full of friends - new players welcome

Thanks fire and Santa!

A mysterious package arrived this weekend and has been safely secreted away by my partner :)

A package arrived at my house and I secreted onto it.

Hopefully nothing to worry about but I don’t think the package arrived yet. Will see!

Mine either unless it went to my lockbox. Will check that later today

There is a package stuck in our USPS box with the wrong key. I have no idea if it’s from Hobbit Santa. (That’s, um, Quarter * 2 * Santa = Half Santa, and as we all know halflings are hobbits.)

Ron Howard Update: It wasn’t.

A wild package has appeared. Wait, that sounds dirty

A second box has landed!

I’m opening on Thursday since I’m traveling to my family in nj.

My boxes arrived a while back, by the way! Forgot to post publicly. Getting excited!


There is now a total of 3 parcels from the QT3 Santa here!

So what’s the first day of Opening Week? :)

The first post says Dec 25, but I don’t think anyone will get in trouble if they jump the gun.

Oh! Missed that. “Week of Dec 25.” That starts Sunday, right? :)

I think that we can interpret that to mean “any seven consecutive days that include Dec 25”, but it would be good to get an interpretation from the Foremothers.

Today’s mail did include a QT3 package! Athena has already accepted it on my behalf.

I got a 3rd package now. This one ominously warns of rubber geese

I got my package from Santa!

Ok let’s light this rocket ship. Santa sent a board game I have not heard of nor played but apparently got good reception by other QT3ers at pax:

And a rubber chicken!

And not rubber chickens!

Can I tell you Santa I am SERIOUSLY jonesing to get home to turn that Haitian honey into pure espresso!

And two more whole bags and a bar of pure chocolate to try on top of that??? Amazing gifts all perfect for my tastes physical and stylistically!

Thanks so much!!!