2017 Frame Game

The Jungle Book on SNES?

Nope. Not the Jungle Book, and I’m not going to require platform specific here if its multiplatform. Unless it was something like Mortal Kombat where the SNES had grey not blood.

(hint, it’s not that either, obviously)

Eh, maybe? I mean you guys have been reasonably in the right time period. And at least genre adjacent for most of the games.

But at this point it probably comes as no shock that, yes, this is not a 3D game, most likely from the 16 bit generation (or early 32 bit).

All this manlyness looks Battletoadsish, but that’d be from some intermediary screen and not the main game I guess.

Heart of Darkness? Never played it, but something says Delphine about this to me.

Some sort of weird Donkey Kong Country interlude I don’t remember?

Oh god damn it, now I remember. I knew if I posted it would jog my memory. I should’ve posted something with the first frame.

Lol, now I’m real curious if you have it right. That said I’m loving the guesses.

Post another frame and we’ll see. :)

I think this seals it.

Tarzan? Like, one based on the Disney film?

I had no idea @ananabtilps had been cast in a game, but there he is in that screenie!

Almost missed it! Lion King!

So it is!

Hated that damn game, lol.

Here’s a new frame for yous. Some noise due to image manipulation, fyi.


Planescape: Torment?

Blurryness is the new hotness in this thread!
Factorio on a really, really bad screen?

@Kyosho has it. I’ll post the full frame later. Only prepared one this time, I knew someone would get it, lol

Wow, has to be in the running for least amount of pixels revealed before guessed?