2017 Frame Game

Terminal Velocity?

Boy, what an interested range of guesses. Especially that last one. Terminal Velocity – what a fab series.

But it’s none of these games. Maybe an early UI reveal will give it away, for those of you who had this game on their radar.

Return Fire! Awesome 3DO game!

YOU WEREN’T MEANT TO GET IT UNTIL LATER! Maybe I should have revealed a palm tree like I originally planned, before I switched to a radar because people were saying Descent and Comanche etc?

(ps, the watermark was obviously not present in the original. pps what a waste of hud space that camouflage is. ppps Actually is it even camouflage? It looks more like a microscope image of evil bacteria)

I actually had guessed that game for another one a while back, and I was trying to remember its name (which is pretty generic, really) on the first frame. It’s a game that sticks to you once you played it, like Herzog Zwei!
There is an excuse for the cropped HUD: you aren’t supposed to play the game alone, but in split-screen while punching your friend!

For years I simply knew it as “The game where the jeeps tyres popped on water” *. Then, after repeatedly googling, finding out the name and forgetting it again, I learn that it’s the sequel to Fire Power. So I can vaguely remember the name now as it’s Return (to) Fire (Power). Apparently the designer of both those games is ‘Baron R. K. Von Wolfsheild’ !

* Though it turns out the jeeps can float!

I didn’t even know it was a sequel: between that and the name of that designer, more ties to Herzog Zwei!

This one I am surprised it hadn’t been done yet. First served:

Sometimes, the internet let you dig out the weirdest stuff:


this claims he’s worth $15m!

Blending his talents from several fields, Reichart has designed everything from toys to weapons and developed more than 120 products.

A Real American Hero.

I come out of all this, filled with regrets: if only I had figured I could become a millionaire making CPUs from scrap when I was 16! I take comfort knowing that I still come up with better fake names in my RPGs.

Ultima Underworld

Oh I would have done gladly that one if it hadn’t been done already!

Binding of Isaac?

In the Rebirth variety (and probably some expansion, I lost track of all that)


Weeee! Awesome game I am crap at!

Gonna have to let someone else jump in and take my turn, though - time limited at the moment. First in best dressed,

I’ll give it a go…

What memorable (or not) game will you find this memorable screen?


Labyrinth of Time?

It is, indeed, Labyrinth of Time. How in the heck did you get that from this? I had trouble even remembering the Hall of Mirrors where it is from.

Here are the others:


Honestly it was the right eye (the Clown’s left eye, I guess). Something about it was super memorable. I also don’t like clowns, so I remember where I see them, I guess. :)

I’ll have a new image up shortly!

And here I thought I was being clever by choosing a screenshot with a clown, as that wasn’t a very big part of this game.

I recently replayed this game (I think GOG or Steam (maybe both?) have it) and I really had memories that were far fonder of it than the actual game ended up being, I bought this and Myst on the same day I bought my first CD-Rom drive. One of those games is a classic…it’s not this one ;)
