2017 Frame Game


I was being a little sneaky because it’s actually from the opening cut scene, but I figured once the setting was identified it would just be a matter of time.

Congrats! You are up @Fortitudo!


I’ve played that game quite a bit, love it. It was the first thing that came to mind after I started thinking WW2. My last frame was guessed first try, not making this too difficult I hope but it’s a game I quite liked.

No guesses in 6 hours, I guessed most of you in the US were a sleep so I gave it a while. Or maybe you have know idea wth this is. Either way time for another frame. It maybe a few hours until the next one, it’s my sons birthday party today, lots of things to do.

Personally I had no idea what it is, and I still don’t! :)

Oof, I’ve no idea. I’ll guess at Amnesia: The Dark Descent because of the out of focus effect and what looks like some old, rusty machinery and a buttress and castle wall.

CoC: Dark Corners of the Earth?

return to castle wolfenstein?

It’s a bit blurry because it’s a video captured 360 screenshot from my VOD, I think I’ll skip ahead one frame since nobody knows anything :)

Hmmm. The textures are interesting - they look like those stop motion sets that you’ll find in games like The Neverhood or The Swapper (though I’m pretty sure this particular one is neither).

I guess I’ll guess The Neverhood, since I played The Swapper to the end and I don’t remember any place that looks like that. :)

Looks like a lot of guns, so I’ll guess Tower of Guns.

Last frame before the full pic, because it’s from my stream you can see my cam overlay there, try to look past it.

This has the HUD and only our hero remains to be fully revealed.

It reminds me a bit of the style of that weird indie FPS fighting game. Can’t recall the name.

Edit: Zeno Clash, that’s the name, phew.

When I play this game with you guys I seriously wonder if there is some alternate dimension full of games that exist outside of my reality.

Last frame, somebody has to have played this, it got a decent release and ratings. I love this game, crazy story but good writing, one of the best sidekicks in any game, great music and an auteuristic designer behind it which I’ve become partial to.

Ah, Daikatana!

I didn’t play it, but after reading about it I kind of want to.

Bonus shot of our hero and the trusty sidekick…

Will reveal soon if no one gets it

Planescape Goth Edition?

Now I know what it is, I think, mostly.

Is that Shadows of the Damned, the one with the talking gun?