2017: Whither Democrats?

A minor positive other than him getting people to vote, watching him speak makes me feel good.

So the NYT started conducting live, as you watch, polls last week. They currently have three underway. You can see it here:

I have no idea if any of these polls are accurate (and the gravitational pull of 50/50 splits makes me think they may not be), but one thing that is illuminating is understanding why we get so few quality congressional district level polls.

Right now they’re trying to poll the Texas 23rd congressional district, between Will Hurd and Gina Ortiz-Jones. And they’ve made 1150 phone calls and gotten…11 responses.

I would respond to a phone poll if I was confident it was legit. But part of the protocol is to not let you know who they are, right? (or maybe they do, and I’ve just never been called by any of the reliable polling outfits)

I get a few calls per week for phone polls, generally covering Trump’s approval rating and the MO Senate race.
They always identify themselves and provide contact information.

Yes, clearly: obviously his fault for being President While Black.

According to people like Ms. Pirro, racism in the US was “solved” until Obama stirred it all up again, see? : rolleyes:

To be fair, he wore a tan suit. I mean, come on, that’s just a slap in the face.

NH primary today.
NH1 has an open seat. There are eleven (!) democratic candidates, and I think three for Republicans. It’s a swing district. The leading candidates are Pappas, moderate from Manchester (NH’s largest city) and Maura Sullivan, former Marine. I expect it to be close between them (I’m not voting for either now but of course will vote for whoever the Dem candidate is come November.)

There are two choices for Governor, both progressives (they actually tried to out-progressive each other during the campaign.) I think the current Republican governor will win regardless, his approval ratings are in the mid 60s (although he’s nowhere near the quality that Baker is in MA.)

This sounds like something to run on:

I assume that is Sarbanes of ‘Sarbanes-Oxley’ fame? I used to hear the term ‘Sox-compliant’ thrown around the office a lot…

It must be. That guy’s been in Congress pretty much forever.

Whiskey Tango Foxtrot…

Why is he doing that?

No hope? Know hope!


In an interesting quirk, NH1 Dem winner Pappas is openly gay and the GOP nominee Edwards is African American. (NH is like 98% white.)

The 18-34 cohort better f’in vote.

So, this is Gen X’s fault now?

Boomers strong for Dems

I’ve always sort of assumed that was the problem and the cause of Trump. Along with disaffected late 20-somethings. Gen X is the post babyboomers, and you’ve likely got in that mix a whole lot of white males who expected that being a white male in America had the kind of “jump-the-queue” cachet that it did in the boomer generation…and discovered that that’s true at least somewhat less than it was.

NY and RI primaries are tomorrow, both of which feel like fights between entrenched, conservative in all but name Democrats vs the progressive future of the party.

Also part of the non-fun: New York has the worst voting laws of any state in the union, and I’m not sure it’s even close.

The 538 Senate Forecast is out.