2017: Whither Democrats?

It means that you need to get out of your bubble. You are far left, compared to the country as a whole. Your ideas are not going to get elected. You need to compromise on them, to get SOME of them accomplished.

I mean, seriously, do you not even realize that she’s a far left candidate? You think she’s what, moderate? Cause she’s not dude. She’s not even close. She’s the third most left leaning senator there is, behind only Kamala Harris and the other Senator from Massachusetts.

Play the freaking game dude, not the game you wish it was. Or you’re gonna keep losing.

Trump is a bellicose, idiotic, erstwhile Democrat, New Yorker billionaire. Obama is a black man raised partially in Indonesia with the middle name “Hussein.” It’s not obvious what kind of candidate can win the Presidency.

And she couldn’t have waited until November 7th to release her video?

Why are we all still talking about this Pocahontas shit? This is exactly what they want.

When you consider possible voters I think there are many on this board who don’t realize they are actually the far left.

ITT: Trump is a centrist; Warren’s political career is over.

I don’t get the histrionics over this video. Maybe I don’t see enough of the Russian propaganda machine in my twitter feed, but I’m seeing almost no negative coverage of this, outside of the Cherokee Nation complaining that she shouldn’t call herself Cherokee (even though in the video she specific says she isn’t a member of any tribe). I mean, the best Fox News had about it was some ex-Obama staffer who complained she did it too close to the midterms. Where are you guys seeing all the negative responses?

Timex I am far left. Warren et al are not. They are standard liberals from the 60’s and 70s. I know my ideas are out of the mainstream and I’m not agitating for any politician to adopt my views. But this country has fallen so deep into the right wing hell hole everything is far left.

UHC and anti-trust isn’t far left. Christ.

This would be true if voters care about policy. They absolutely 100% do not. Presidential politics are a game of sound bites, propaganda, gaffes, public appearances, attacks, responses to attacks, tribalism, etc. If policy mattered, Republicans would never be elected.

She had a right to do that. She actually has Native American roots. Are you going to run around and tell other people they’re not black enough, not Asian enough too?

  1. You think Trump won by running as a New Yorker? Cause he clearly didn’t. He ran by appealing to working class whites, plus tons of racism. And ultimately, he won because the Democrats put up a north easterner. Hillary was not able to tap into the southern vote that her Husband did. She had no appeal to the south.

  2. Obama was most definitely not a far left new englander. He was ultimately fairly moderate, certainly compared to people like Warren, despite what the far right spin machine would say. And he won by turning out the youth vote… Warren’s freaking 69 years old dude.

Who was the last guy from New England to win the presidency? Kennedy?

No dude. Warren is far left. You need to get this through your head. Like I said, she’s the third most far left senator there is.

This is largely true… but guess what? A 69 year old law professor isn’t going to be the best candidate from that position either.

That’s just not the kind of candidate that is going to have broad appeal. While she advocates for populist ideals, she is not a woman of the people. She won’t be able to make that connection.

Sanders actually was able to make that connection, but he’s also way too old at this point.

Same goes for Biden. I mean Jesus.

If you want to win, you need to get a young candidate who can energize the youth vote. If you turn out young people, the democrats will win. With today’s voter demographics, it won’t even be close. It’ll make Obama’s victories look close.

I agree, but timing is an issue. With the midterms so close, why would she want to raise the profile of this issue now? Whom does it help? The attention this story receives comes at the expense of everything else that is happening now.

It would have been better if she’d waited until mid-November.

Ok Mr. Patronizing, what exactly makes her far left? Go ahead, list the policies she advocates for that make her far left.

I want UBI. 32 hour work week. Nationalize the energy sector. Cap defense spending at 2% GDP. Mandatory 30 day vacation. Does Warren support any of those? If you’re going to parrot bullshit at least fucking cite some evidence instead of a voting record compared to other centrist Democrats.

Edit: And just to be clear, I’m not supporting her (or anyone at the moment for 2020), I’m taking issue specifically with “Far left.”

I don’t care if she’s full Cherokee. The issue is that as long as Trump and his ilk were screaming “Pocahontas!” with no response from her, it made them seem petty and racist. As soon as she reignited the controversy and supplied honest-to-gosh DNA, the conversation became how much Native blood she had, (not much) why she claimed it, and for many people an almost justification for the name-calling. It was strategically dumb.

Edit: The Cherokee Nation is telling her it was a stupid thing to do. You can’t get a worse look on that.

Who was the last guy from the northwest? Before Obama, no midwesterner had won since Truman. Does region really matter? Region only functions as a tribal code for Republicans, and only when it’s convenient for them. (NB: in 4 out of 5 of the last Presidential elections, the GOP candidate has either their roots or political career in northeast.)

Ironically, considering your Progressive Vote link above, I think Harris is the best candidate on this front.

I thought Hillary was a midwesterner

Maybe if Warren had sexually assaulted someone or the New York Times had run a massive expose on her family’s history of tax fraud, she’d be in a politically stronger position now.

I disagree with this. Biden’s old whiteness while also being a rather progressive dude, might make him the perfect Democratic candidate in this political climate. Frankly, I think Hilary’s running mate is the second best option in the current climate.

Call it a depressing read of things, but that’s what I see right now. You have to trick old white people into coming back to reality.

Biden could do it. The meme game is strong for Biden. That seems to be what The Kids love.

I thought the kids loved Bernie?