2017: Whither Democrats?

…by being a black President. We now know, from yet another methodologically rigorous study, that race (with a pinch and dash of gender) were the biggest problems for Democrats in 2016.

The normalization of GW Bush and his neocon idiocy is honestly terrifying to me. That shit was straight up evil AND ineffective.

So not that different than today’s GOP, I suppose.

Bush at least loved America. I’ll take that over the current Russian proxy government we have.

Probably you’re not an Iraqi.

Good piece on the Democrats not articulating an over arching theme on this election and pretty much entirely focusing on material things like health character instead of going after Trump and the Republicans on character.

Well I was listening to Pod Save America and they were talking about how candidates should drum home the ‘pre existing conditions’ talking point, etc.

Part of me is like, ‘hey, whatever works, I’m no election tactician,’ and part of me still, still, doesn’t want to give up the point that Trump is fundamentally wrong, fundamentally anti-democratic, has no business running a republic, and we shouldn’t let that go.

/le sigh.

On the other hand, I’m kinda tired of clicking on articles where the NY Times talks about Democrats failing to do something…

Pundit: Democrats don’t stand for anything! They’re just anti-Trump!

Democrats: This election is about protecting healthcare and eliminating unfair tax cuts.

Pundit: Why aren’t the Democrats just running against Trump?!?!

Heh, this.

I wonder what kind of array the Dems are in today?

Well this particular pundit hasn’t complained about the Democrats just being anti-Trump. If the Democrats fail to take back the house, then maybe it is time for the Democrats to start listening to better pundits.

  1. David Brooks is what he is.
  2. Pundits who offer no robust data in support of their punditry are projecting their own hot air.

Brooks is a center right guy who likes tax cuts and wasn’t super-fond of Obamacare nor is he thrilled with the idea of single payer/Medicare for all. Astonishingly, then, those refrains seem to not find purchase within his soil.

Record voting for the first day of early voting in Austin. Even bigglier than 2016. And it’s not just Austin.

This focus group of one responds best when Democratic candidates articulate what they are for, and by doing so create a strong contrast with and alternative to Trumpism. Giving voters something to vote for as well as something to vote against. We are story tellers and people respond to heroes and villains. Trump makes a good villain, and we have some very strong Democratic candidates all up and down the ballot. We need them to be heroes in this final two weeks and while they are in office.

Make calls. Knock doors. Host events. Give money. Stop pissing away time on games (at least until Nov. 7)

Be heroes.



Dis 45? Oh sure. That’s easy. The racist pumpkin would never have risen above running a used car dealership were it not for daddy’s money. His hair style would be best described as hamsters asshole. My four year old has a better vocabulary, and is 100% less racist to boot! I’d give him grief about being a bad father to his sons Eric and Don Jr, but then I look at them. He’s the only proof we need to know wealth has fuck all to do with qualifications.

I could dis him all day

He’s the original Both Siderist. A fucking pop-sociologist with a bachelor’s degree in history who know jack-all about politics, journalism, sociology or any other damn thing. His whole shtick lately is observing politely what a dear-god-so-awful disaster the GOP is while blaming the Democrats for it. He’s a hack and deserving of no regard whatsoever. Take it away driftglass:

So many lies here, all tangled together like a Rat King, so let us boil down a 10,000 word rebuttal into something simple and clear.

Something like, hey asshole, how about you go just back and read your own god damn writing from 2008 through 2016.

Democrats did not miss “the Trumpian upsurge” . We were beating every drum and sounding every alarm we could lay our hands on. No, it was you and the rest of your simpering pundit cronies who missed “the Trumpian upsurge”. Missed it and over again, by a fucking parsec, which is both hilarious and terrifying given that this was literally your only job. The easiest, laziest wingnut welfare job imaginable for which, by any objective measure, you are wildly overpaid.

Your job was to tell millions of readers around the world what was going on inside American politics based on your alleged deep, insider knowledge and supposed access to power. And in column after column, decades after decade, you got every fucking bit of it wrong.

I was gonna be like “what the fuck David Brooks is a literal idiot gah” but my man up here got it done so :fist of solidarity:

Something is happening here but you don’t know what it is


NBC reporting that Mitch McConnell’s comments about revisiting ACA repeal and cutting social security/medicare/medicaid are featuring prominently at campaign rallies coast to coast now, and Priorities USA is up on the air in contested senate states with a new ad highlighting his remarks.

Don’t get me excited. My soul is dead and it’s gonna stay that way!