2017: Whither Democrats?

“Get with the times” he says…

Hey, if we can elected a demented old man with no moral compass, we can elect a zombie.

Glad someone got the joke (although I was going for bloodsucking vampire/zombie - it’s Halloween season, folks!) ;)

I’d take Zuckerberg over Trump, though it would be nice to have a President who wasn’t actually involved in the 2016 Russian hacking of our election.

If we’re gonna stuntcast, I’d go with Neil DeGrasse Tyson. I don’t even like the guy that much, to be honest, but he’s about 14000 times smarter than Trump and it would be nice to have a scientist president for once.

I think “qualified” would be a nice trait to have.

We tried that in '16. Didn’t fly.

I’d settle for “gives a shit”.

Since Dementia Donnie is a fan of wrestling, perhaps we should nominate someone to do a flying pile driver on him during the debates.

That would be qualified IMO.

There’s always the Progressive Liberal if you need a piledriver.

There’s nothing wrong with that fight, as long as folks know when to put it aside. Bernie’s folks did (at least in comparison to Hillary’s in 2008)

I disagree. Bernie should have dropped out way earlier, after he realized that he couldn’t win the nomination of the party he didn’t belong to.

Because there was no value in Bernie being out there, pushing for things he felt were important. /s

I’d like to see the Democrats introduce a requirement that anyone seeking the party’s nomination has to have been a member for a specified length of time–and I’d like them to do it early enough that it’s not a last minute if-it-looks-like-I-can-win decision for any candidate. The top of the ticket needs to be part of the team. In my opinion Bernie’s non-membership should have have made him ineligible from the getgo.I think a lot of bad feeling could have been avoided if such a rule had been in place, making everyone’s options clear.

It was fine for Bernie to be “out there” expressing his ideas. He just needed to develop his own organization or join a party if he wanted to be an actual candidate.

Something like that is probably a really bad idea given why a lot of Democrats and Bernie supporters were angry during the last election. You want to do everything you can to not make it seem like it is just a bunch of elite assholes in a smoke filled room deciding who the nominee is.

You also probably don’t want to suggest fracturing the party between progressives and centrist democrats. I would argue that the reason the Right hasn’t done it is because it is a losing strategy.

I don’t think this is about Bernie as much as people who voted for Bernie (and his ideas/policies) and I think a lot of them, myself included, are Democrats or vote Democrat 99% of the time.

Seriously Bernie running third party would have been a lot worse than Bernie losing the Democratic nom.

This is true, just from a mathematical angle if nothing else.