2018 Government Shutdown Thread

They are “criminals” only in the most pedantic sense of the term. They were minors brought to the country illegally. They are guilty of violating the nation’s immigration laws in the same way that a toddler in a car seat is guilty of speeding when the parent is pulled over.

Eh. Again, the 2013 shutdown caused the GOP to lose approximately zilcho votes in the 2014 midterms. For whatever reason Americans don’t seem to punish anyone for shutting down the government.

Wow, you added a lot to the conversation. What are you, like 17? :)

DACA is important to a lot of people, and is an issue that demnands settling right now, before they are all deported to a country they have never known. The GOP has to compromise on this since they need the 60 votes, so their feet need to be held to the fire.

Having said that, the media, even NPR, is doing a crap job of explaining the issues, making into team sports again rather than what the actual sticking points are, and who is sticking them.

True. I am a fan of strict immigration laws, support the ones we have now on the books. But DACA makes a lot of sense to me. These kids don’t know their “home” country as anything but the US. They need to be made legal or be given a route to being legal short of waiting 10 years to become a citizen.

Agreed, but you know they’ll vote dem if/when they become citizens, and the GOP can’t have that…

Who married into a Mexican family, hundreds strong, all who came here poor and legally, and who has many, many relatives in Mexico.

Perhaps you need to widen your horizons before casting stones.

It seemed like a pretty measured response to “DACA is not a critical issue for any voter.”

a deal to end the government shutdown in exchange for the promise of a vote on the DREAM Act in the coming weeks

Surely this time Lucy won’t pull the football away.

It’s not. It’s an empathy issue. It’s not critical. Abortion rights are critical, military is critical, religious freedom is critical. DACA is a nice program that we can easily disband.

If white males were not allowed to comment on issues effecting illegals and women this would be a pretty small forum.

Then if you’re saying that DACA is not a critical issue for any voter, then either

  1. You’re paying attention to your own family and their friends, or
  2. They know enough not to discuss it anywhere in listening range of where you are.

No offense triggercut, but you are being awfully presumptive and arrogant, interjecting yourself into my family. There are zero illegal immigrants and hundreds of legal immigrants in my family, thanks.

I admit this is a small sample size, and suffers from selection bias, but I know my own family better than you.

Again, it may be a critical issue to say, the children of an illegal immigrant, but it’s just not on the radar of most Americans. Do you really think that? What causes you to believe that?

I’m a white male and I think DACA is critical. 2 million people and all of their workmates, companies, families are involved. It’s not a minor issue, and it needs to be settled prior to March. That’s why this is when it has to happen. Unless you believe the GOP when they promise to work in good faith…

You know, the actual point made might be that considering the circumstances of how DACA might be a critical issue for certain demographic groups within the US is something to think about before posting “DACA is not a critical issue for any voter.” as a blanket statement of fact. Like perhaps some empathy behind those reactionary words might be called for. Like looking past one’s own screen door.


Yeah, this is an issue with broad support. Unless one is a racist or fearful of the brown skins taking your jobs, I can’t see why someone would be against it.

Aside from the GOP, who doesn’t want more dem voters on the books.

I support DACA. I support going to Mars too. I don’t want the government shut down and the Dems to destroy their political capital to fund either. There is a big difference between agreeing with something and fighting tooth and nail for it at cost to your strength which could be used in many different, more important issues.

Thank you.

Now, if I can be presumptuous and arrogant again (and lord knows, I can be!), let’s stop for a second and consider what I think Guap was trying to say before he said goofy, unsupportable things like DACA not being important to any voter.

A whole lot of Americans of every political belief, religious belief, and upbringing support DACA. The critical question – and it’s a big one, and far, far murkier – is whether Americans support shutting down the government over DACA. I don’t think they do, not in large enough numbers to make it a politically smart piece of ground to plant a flag in.

BUT–that doesn’t mean that there isn’t strong political support for DACA in certain very important voting blocs out there. And Democrats have to be careful about walking that tightrope.

Luckily, Luis Guittierez, the representative from the Illinois 4th, is giving them some cover.

Now is the time for it, It’s not convenient, but it has to be now. Mars doesn’t have to be now.

The GOP could have fixed this in good faith months ago, but they have dragged their feet and caused a crisis. Make them own it.

What is the evidence that this will destroy the Dem’s capital? This is one of the few times in a GOP controlled government that they have some leverage.

I don’t see mass condemnation of the Dems for the shutdown.