2019 Frame Game - All Are Welcome!

Final Fantasy VII?

It’s “wanwan” in katakana, which is similar to “bow-wow” as onomatopoeias go. ;)

Translated phonetically, it’s “arf arf” in Hebrew

Dragon Quest XI?

Guild Wars 2?

Nino kuni?

Good call

Hah, it must be Dragon Quest XI! The very first half hour of the game. That must be a Switch screenshot.


Please notice the copyright notice put there by the nintendo grabbing software, like a professional shot. Blech

I am sorely disappointed in Evil Kosc, as I had taken that screenshot of the blurry 3D he is so fond of especially as a sacrifice to him.

I never played this DQ game, where was @KristiGaines and her millions of hours of DQ playtime. She’d of guessed it by the first few pixels.

I played it but for some reason I didn’t recognize it until @Arioch mentioned it.

Any good? Not that I don’t have a list of 100 hour RPG’s I want to play as long as my arm already…

I really enjoyed what I played of it. Then my PC crashed, I had to buy a new one, and although I reinstalled the game, I didn’t get back to it… yet. I certainly plan to finish it, but it is a long game indeed.

The nice thing about Dragon Quest is that you play one, and you can skip playing any JRPG of the following 5 years because they’ll just rip a small part of that game and extrapolate it over 60 hours. It’s a worthy time investment!
But you should play DivOrSin 2 if you haven’t :O

Played 40 hours or so and am well past done with it. I hate the armor system in that game with the heat a million burning suns. DOS1 had vastly better combat, I don’t know what prompted them to turn it into a samey slog.

@Arioch Poke. You’re up, bud.

The best Dragon Quest has ever been, imho, and one of my favorite big old-school RPG’s in general. It’s also got a helluva fun story and characters, and you have to keep playing because the actual, real ending is mind blowingly clever and fun, but you’ll take a good amount of time getting to it. So worth it - plus the game is really fun all the way through.


Chaos on Deponia?