2019 Frame Game - All Are Welcome!

Is it that Kiss shooter from the late 90s? Am I cheating if I google it?

No and probably? But I just tried to Google search for what I’ve revealed so far and no dice. :)

Sorry, meant I didn’t know if Googling the exact name of the game I’m already thinking of was cheating. I think it was psycho circus but could be wrong. I mean I’m also wrong about what game it was. I’m just confusing now :-)

Oh, I follow. Yeah, it isn’t anything From something related to KISS as far as I know. :)


Someone is going to start recognizing this at some point, I’m confident.

I know I’ve seen that somewhere, but I don’t remember where…

Mwaha haha haha ha!

Whack-a-mole: Game of Thrones.

Symphony X

The lighting totally doesn’t fit, but I remember a part in one of the versions of Space Harrier that had weird faces coming at you, so let’s go with that.

98% sure I’m wrong. But at the same time, I’m certain I’ve seen and/or played whatever game this is.

Nothing is correct so far, but I hope this will shed some Light on the situation!

I know I’ve seen that somewhere! Argh!

It’s actually just an implementation of Guess Who.

Maybe Symphony of the Night? Never played that, but I’ve gotten that vibe since the first shot, though assume it’s been done.

There was a clue on tonight’s live stream. :)

Majesty Die Twice

I am honestly floored no one recognizes these characters, if not the scene itself!

Here is the full image - I’ll give everyone a day to come up with the answer and if they cannot, I’ll declare myself the loser and pick another shot. I have a feeling some of you will be feeling quite foolish. ;)

I don’t think I’ve ever played it.

Final Fantasy 9.