2019 Frame Game - All Are Welcome!

You are up @nijimeijer

Yup yup. Will have one up first thing Monday morning.

Okay, first frame; big reveal right from go.

An old adventure maybe? I’ll go for Flight of the Amazon Queen.

Quest for Glory 1?

Simon the Sorcerer?

Kings Quest V

Good eye! I specifically chose a shot of the first interactive bit in the game, as I figured with a game that old, it may be the one to stick in someone’s memory. For all the guff they get these days, Sierra adventures were my bread and butter when I was a kid.

Loved that game, think it came on 10-12 disks on the AMiGA. Great stuff.

I’ll have something up by tomorrow hopefully.

@instant0 that was impressive!

I think KQV would have been my next guess. That Sierra style of VGA background art is just so distinctive…

@instant0 Poke. You’re up.


Nope. Had to google that, looks nice. It is a game about a whale?

Looks like breath of the wild

It’s… well I guess you’d call it a “swimming simulator” in the tradition of “walking simulators.” Basically a swimmable art exhibit. Quite pretty.

Correct. Such a good game.

I’ll have another one up tonight

I recognized it from the first screenshot, believe it or not. ;)