2022 Game Frame Game - All Skill Levels Welcome!

Cloud Gardens ?

Lego Builder’s Journey?

Nicely done! This game is so gorgeous, especially when you turn on the ray tracing. It’s not that deep; as a puzzle game, I found it a bit lacking. But it was such a pleasure to play because of how it looked.

Ah, well done, wavey! That was my next guess. The diorama in the middle of the screen set up made me think of Gardens Between first…

Cool looking game, and an interesting implementation of Lego, but I ended up feeling like its rules weren’t consistent which made the puzzles seem unfair.

I thought you’d got it with the Gardens Between earlier! Ok, next:

No Man’s Sky?

The Artful Escape?

Welp, 30 minutes isn’t so bad for one of my frames. The Artful Escape it is, @Nightgaunt

Aaaaah! I just played through the whole thing today and that little asteroid looked familiar.

Except it was going to be my next frame game choice so… let me go digging.

I feel like games are not being posted in the indie games you might find interesting thread!

Such a beautiful game that I am stuck in due to nonexistent platforming skills.

I got a post cookin’!

I’d love to see the screenshot you would have used, if you’ve already taken it - I feel a bit bad that mine doesn’t really do the game justice. It’s such a spectacular - even visually stunning - game, I just went with one that had the potential for interesting/confusing parts to reveal.

Fair point! I see that this game at least now has its own thread, with a great first post by @Nightgaunt :

@Nightgaunt Poke. You’re up.

Here we goooooo!

Betrayal at Antara.

Anvil of Dawn?

The Artful Escape?

(Worth a shot!)

Gabriel Knight 2?

King’s Quest 7?