2022 Game Frame Game - All Skill Levels Welcome!

Not at all.

Terminator 2

If scrambled eggs had a video game it would look something like this, heh.


Plot twist!

Looks like low-res sprite work that wants to look 3d? Diablo?

Noita ?

Oh the pain! It pains me!

It is Noita, which has contaminated my computer thanks to Chappers.
Really painful for the wrist, but very good game.

Noita’s the kind of game I’d try to play and last 5 minutes at but damn it’s gorgeous, and I don’t generally like pixel art.

Yeah I am playing Noita right now also, I know what the giant ball of fire looks like very well.

I shall get a frame up soon.

@lordkosc Poke!

soooooooooooooon, tonight! ;)

OK… now, I had inspiration!

Xenoblade Chronicles?

I know that sky but can’t place it, so I’ll just say The Sinking City: Adventuring with Soggypack

Tales of Zestiria?

NOPE , here are some barrels and a tarp.

Ah yes, Death Stranding.

Tom Clancy’s the Division 1?

Half-Life: Alyx? Probably not, but Valve loves their barrels AND their tarps. Steel barrels, plastic ones, rusty ones, explosive ones, blue plastic flotation ones, big yellow ones with suspicious liquids stirring in them. And the tarps, well, there’s tarps on barrels, tarps on crates, giant tarps on buildings…

Nope, lets add some side scroller walkway.