2022 Quarterlies! Vote for Qt3's Best Game of 2022: "What guy? Bozo did it. That's Bozo's voice."

  1. Elden Ring: Its not even close. Will be in the discussion of the G.O.A.T. for me forever. Being a explorer type person this game had a world I loved. It was an adventure I’ll never forget.

  2. Potion Craft: Only half way through the game but enjoying myself. To be honest numbers 2-5 could change on a weekly basis. There isn’t one that is in solid 2nd place

  3. Persona 5 Royal: I have never played a game like this before . Pushed my way through the beginning and then it finally clicked. Got me hooked for 60+ hours then I hit the 5th boss. After bashing my head against the wall, using the internet for strategy I finally beat him and moved on. Except I didn’t. I played a few more hours but the winds were taken out my sails and I haven’t returned.

  4. Grounded: A great game to play with 3 friends. Really enjoy the world.

  5. Power Wash Simulator: No clue why I played as many hours as I did but it hooked me for a while for sure.

Vampire Survivors is fun, The Raft was fun with a couple of friends but are down a notch