2K raising price of games

Yep… Remember when the market was swamped with music/band games and every release kept on milking the player base? People stopped buying them and they went away.

I guess the days of robots playing baseball are long gone. We’ve got super realistic sports games now and fans that will deal with pretty much anything to play them… and the creators know it.

edit: just realized that game was called SuperBaseball 2020; boy did they have this year pegged wrong.

I don’t really feel that way personally. Don’t get me wrong, FIFA Ultimate Team definitely is built to encourage people buying player packs, but there’s a ton of really good fully fleshed out game modes. There’s the Volta street style mode, a full story driven career mode, normal leagues, etc etc. There’s tons of content w/o even opening up Ultimate Team. And Ultimate Team itself is pretty generous with players and packs just from playing the game. I play pretty casually and don’t spend any money and I get a pretty good squad together no problem.

The 2K stuff I have tried basically requires microtransactions if you want to do anything other than grind for hundreds of hours.

While neither of them are good, I am happy to buy the new FIFA each year but won’t touch the 2K stuff anymore.

I think the last game in the series I bought was 2K14 and with each release it reaffirms my decision to skip them.

EA is always the “whipping post” for this kind of stuff yet 2K Games with their NBA2K series is lightyears beyond anything I’ve seen from EA. I guess since its a yearly sports game and not Star Wars its just not going to garner the same attention.

I haven’t gotten one since 2k13 but yeah I’ve read about how terrible they are the last few years.