3x3: answering machine messages

We discuss our favorite answering machines, voicemails, and outgoing messages in movies at the the 1:17 mark of the Qt3 Movie Podcast of In the Heart of the Sea.

Tom Chick
3. The Terminator
2. Kiss Me Deadly

  1. 21 Grams

3. The Terminator
2. L.A. Story

  1. Sideways

Kelly Wand
3. He’s Just Not That Into You
2. Office Space

  1. I Love You, Man

What are your favorite answering machine messages (including voicemails and outgoing messages) in movies? Please listen to the podcast to hear us go on about ours and to hear Kelly read a few listener picks.

Send in your ideas for the next topic to [email protected].

Just leave a message at the tone

Greenberg - “Hurt people hurt people. Oh wait, that was you who told me that.”

True story: that bit in Seinfeld was prompted when someone associated with the show called a friend of mine from college and got a very similar message on her answering machine.

3 - Lebowski:

                                 OLDER COP
                     Snap out of it, son.
           The home phone starts ringing--a ring distinct  from the  
           chirp of the portable.  The Dude makes no move to answer  
           it.   Finally the rings stop as an answering machine kicks 
                     You find them much?  Stolen cars?
           Dude's Voice on Machine The Dude's not in.  Leave a message 
           after the beep.  It takes a minute.
                                 YOUNGER COP
                     Sometimes.  I wouldn't hold out much 
                     hope for the tape deck though.  Or 
                     the Creedence tapes.
                     And the, uh, the briefcase?
                                 FEMALE VOICE ON MACHINE
                     Mr. Lebowski, I'd like to see you.  
                     Call when you get home and I'll send 
                     a car for you.  My name is Maude 
                     Lebowski.  I'm the woman who took 
                     the rug.
           Beep.  Dial tone.
                                 OLDER COP
                     Well, I guess we can close the file 
                     on that one.
  1. Lebowski:

After the Dude’s outgoing message we hear:

                                 VOICE THROUGH MACHINE
                     Mr. Lebowski, this is Duty Officer 
                     Rolvaag of the L.A.P.D.
           The Dude looks stuporously up, his head swaying.
                                 VOICE THROUGH MACHINE
                     We've recovered your vehicle.  It 
                     can be claimed at the North Hollywood 
                     Auto Circus there on Victory.
                     Far out.  Far fuckin' out.
                     You'll just need to present a--
           The message is interrupted by loud smashing sounds, as of 
           someone applying a baseball bat to the answering machine.
  1. Lebowski:
                     Walter, if you're there, pick up the 
                     fucking phone.  Pick it up, Walter, 
                     this is an emergency.  I'm not--
                     Walter, listen, I'm at my place, I 
                     need you to come pick me up--
                     I can't drive, Dude, it's erev 
                     Erev shabbas.  I can't drive.  I'm 
                     not even supposed to pick up the 
                     phone, unless it's an emergency.
                     It is a fucking emergency.
                     I understand.  That's why I picked 
                     up the phone.
                     THEN WHY CAN'T YOU--fuck, never mind, 
                     just call Donny then, and ask him to--
                     Dude, I'm not supposed to make calls--
                     GO TO PASADENA!  COME  PICK ME UP OR 
                     I'M OFF THE FUCKING BOWLING TEAM!

Runner up:


VOICE Dude, this is Smokey. Look, I don’t
wanna be a hard-on about this, and I
know it wasn’t your fault, but I
just thought it was fair to tell you
that Gene and I will be submitting
this to the League and asking them
to set aside the round. Or maybe
forfeit it to us–

                     --so, like I say, just thought, you 
                     know, fair warning.  Tell Walter.
           A beep.
                                 ANOTHER VOICE
                     Mr. Lebowski, this is Brandt at, uh, 
                     well--at Mr. Lebowski's office.  
                     Please call us as soon as is 
                                 ANOTHER VOICE
                     Mr. Lebowski, this is Fred Dynarski 
                     with the Southern Cal Bowling League.  
                     I just got a, an informal report, 
                     uh, that a uh, a member of your team, 
                     uh, Walter Sobchak, drew a loaded 
                     weapon during league play--

The time-traveling voicemail greeting from 12 Monkeys seems like an obvious choice.

The message Jon Favreau leaves in Swingers…so painful.