3x3: favorite hitman/assassin moments

We are looking for favorite moments involving hitmen or assassins. Not your favorite hitman movies. Your favorite moments. We discuss our picks at the 44-minute mark of our Drive Angry 3D podcast.

Our picks:

Tom Chick
3. Sorcerer: the assassins at the end
2. The American: gun testing

  1. Michael Clayton: two assassins at work: Ready and lift. Wipe. You better hit it. We’re good.

3. Goodfellas: Joe Pesci’s painting analysis: Whaddaya want from me?
2. The Survivors: relief at finding out he’s an assassin

  1. Real Men: John Ritter’s van attack

3. The Professional: adjusting the location of the muzzle of the gun on the door
2. Grosse Pointe Blank: his expression after the pen kill

  1. The Day of the Jackal: the puff of smoke on the ground beyond de Gaulle’s head

Your turn. Describe your favorite hitman/assassin moments.

I haven’t seen any of those movies. Maybe I need to go to Blockbuster more often.

You’ve never seen Goodfellas?

I see this thread devolving into “favorite deaths” around page two or so.

Well. Yes. Maybe. I’ve seen a major chunk of it. It reminded me too much of The Sopranos. The movie seemed to be a condensed version of the TV series. It used similar styles of shocking behavior and violence.

At least I wasn’t intrigued enough to remember that assassination/hitman scene. Was it at the end of the movie?

I just love the whole opening scene of Leon, Morizzio job. So awesome.

“yeah I am free tuesday.”

You’re buying me a new keyboard.

Also, the movie MASH is just a condensed version of the television series.


“Has Tommy ever told you about my painting?”

Hero: The emperor turns his back on the assassin in order to contemplate a scroll.

That moment when Leon emerges out of the darkness with that knife like he’s rising out of black water…I so love that.


“Somebody’s coming up. Somebody serious.”

3 - Assassins: the hilariously frenetic back-and-forth gun battle in the taxicab between Bain and Rath. Antonio Banderas needs to play a crazy villain more often.

2 - Operation: Endgame: Debatable whether the main characters are all hitmen/assassins, but they’re all definitely covert black-ops style personnel. Top moment is most definitely the fight scene between Rob Corddry and Adam Scott. Yes, that is as ludicrous as it sounds.

1 - Hollow Point: Quite possibly my favorite direct-to-video B-movie of all time. (of all time!) starring Thomas Ian Griffith and Tia Carrere as dueling DEA/FBI agents trying to collar crimelord John Lithgow while pursuing/cooperating with suicidal master assassin Donald Sutherland. The greatest moment ever is Carrere chasing Sutherland (who is armed with a pea shooter with explosive rounds) down a staircase, while Griffith is rappelling down the side of the building in a window-washer’s harness shooting out windows trying to get Sutherland. Griffith’s character, mind you, is higher than a weather balloon on painkillers and amphetamines throughout the whole film. It is the most cracktastically hilarious film ever, so stupid it’s awesome.

The Godfather- Luca Brasi practicing his lines before he meets with Don Corleone. “…And I hope their first child be a masculine child…”

A big, brutish killer acting like a nervous schoolboy.

Outland: the countdown timer for the ship the hitmen are coming in on. Payed homage to in Moon as well.

A Better Tomorrow: planting guns along his escape route in plants. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hlQ_iyQ61ig

Tom, I remember that assassin jumping over his own tied hands. But it wasn’t Robert Redford in Three Days of the Condor getting pwned, it was Bryan Brown in F/X.

There’s an elephant in the room. Are we gonna have to listen to the podcast to find out why Anton Chigurh is being explicitly ignored?

Is it really such a chore, kerzain?

Nevermind. Just tell us your favorite Chigurh moment. Seriously.


“Is that what you’re asking me? Is there something wrong with anything?”

I have an ear infection. Right now it only hurts when I hear.

I will never forgive you for making me want to see this movie, Mightynute. Luckily Netflix is protecting me by not having it. WTF is up with that? How can you have a direct-to-video movie and not have the movie available on video? What does that make it? Direct-to-nothing? Arg.

It’s a travesty. Well, actually it’s a travesty of a mockery of a sham of a mockery of a travesty of two mockeries of a sham.


pierce bronsan makes friends with greg kinnear at a public event in the matador and tells him he’s a hitman. kinnear’s character doesn’t believe him, so bronsan runs through how he would assassinate some old guy, quickly going through the prep, the tail, the distraction, and they wind up popping open the old guy’s bathroom stall…where bronsan quickly apologizes to the old man and leaves.

No need. Just announce that you don’t listen to the podcast and bring it up anyway!

But, yeah, it’s a fair point. My initial instinct was that Chigurh isn’t really a hitman. I mean, really, I’m not sure what he is. He’s more like a force of nature.


Ah, glad you got that last “we’re good” in there. At first I was puzzled by this. It doesn’t really sound like them to brag that they’re good. But by “good”, they just mean “finished”. Very nice.

I still can’t believe you and Kellywand didn’t immediately go to this…
