9 billion missing from Iraqi reconstruction funds

…what the hell is going on over there?


Basically we gave them 9 billion with a “hope you spend it well!” Man.

Well, Luxembourg was on sale so I kinda borrowed that money. :oops:

I’m sure my friend the King of Jordan will forgive me.

The cost of a spare wheel for a haliburton truck perhaps?

Bush is a big-hearted many who trusts his cronies.

Only 9 billion is missing? It’s too much to expect that all the money would be accounted for and used properly.

Yeah, but 9 billion here and 9 billion there, pretty soon . . .

No. This IS real money. Take a step back from the ridiculous administration we’re stuck with, and think about what 9 billion is.

It’s twice the entire pork barrel spending identified by watchdog groups for an entire year.

It’s more than the entire budget of the EPA for a year.

It’s nine months of Pell grants for 6 million students.

It’s the entire budget for the Dept. of the Interior.

It’s five times the National Park Service budget.

It’s double the Nat’l Science Foundation’s research budget.

In short, it’s a sad state of affairs where we can cavalierly dismiss 9 billion as a drop in the bucket. Remind me again, what are we getting out of this war? Let me be more specific: what positive thing are we getting out of this war?


are you thinking of it as 9 billion out of the trillions of dollars overall budget or the 200 billion for iraq?

Imagine my surprise.

Think of it as all of the taxes you, your entire extended family, all of your friends and about 20,000 other people will pay throughout your lifetime.

A credible source on the subject:

What would I do with 9 billion dollars? Tell you what I’d do, man. Two chicks at the same time, man.

Anyone email their senator or rep about this?

I sent out some emails about the “nuclear” filibuster situation.

You guys remember when I was posting about this back when Bremer was getting onto his chopper?

Think of it as all of the taxes you, your entire extended family, all of your friends and about 20,000 other people will pay throughout your lifetime.[/quote]

i do think it’s yet another huge waste of money by bush. i was asking the guy i quoted how he was thinking of it.

I remember that post, but I thought that was a different pile of missing money.