A Game of Dwarves (DF with graphics?)

Hmm urge to pre-order fading… sounds like I’ll need a review of the finished product first.

It is now on my wish list. I hope I hear good reports about this game. If it is a Dungeon Keeper like game or Evil genious type of game, that is fine with me. I loved both of those.

I see the game listed on Steam for 10/23/2012 for $9.99.

Here is a look at it from Yogscast:

It really is not that hard to learn. I mean, put any amount of time you spend on another game into dwarf fortress and you’ll learn it. Besides, sometimes sacrifices have to be made. Because he doesn’t particularly care about graphics, he can spend all his time working on code. It makes dwarf fortress what it is. Plus, you kinda feel like you are in a special club of people who “master the DF UI”, so thats pretty cool.

I think this will be some kind of cheap knockoff that people will say “oh man, dwarf fortress with graphics!” and then never play. But I gotta hand it to them, I like the name.

Love the video, especially muted.

There is a video Part 2 that is a hoot!

I’m tempted to get it at release since I have that credit with Greenman for pre-ordering XCOM, except that Steam says it requires 4 Gigs of RAM.

Really? I can understand why Dishonored may require it, but this???

Well I preordered because, you know, alcohol…

New video released

It looks like a lot of fun. I saw the beta for sale on Steam, can you play the beta if you buy it now?

No. It’s out next week though.

So is kings bounty. :( I want this now, not next week.

Can anyone provide any field reports on this for those of us at work? It just went live a few minutes ago on Steam.

I’ll be downloading it tonight when I get home. Also Fallen Enchantress, of course.

my pre-order won’t install :-\

edit: ah, there it goes.

It really is not that hard to learn. I mean, put any amount of time you spend on another game into dwarf fortress and you’ll learn it. Besides, sometimes sacrifices have to be made. Because he doesn’t particularly care about graphics, he can spend all his time working on code. It makes dwarf fortress what it is. Plus, you kinda feel like you are in a special club of people who “master the DF UI”, so thats pretty cool.

I love the DF apologists pooh-poohing the UI. I tried seriously digging into DF last weekend, along with Calista’s nice book. People, the DF UI is not sloppy. It is not scattershot. It is fucking inscrutable and makes the entire game a waste of time. Seriously – HKUM for some parts, arrow keys for the others, shift-plus/not-shift minus for other navigation?

Bugger graphics and naval-gazing detail – neither bothers me at all. Bring on ASCII that looks like someone spewed Campbell’s alphabet soup on the screen and having to count each fishbone brought along by the dwarves. But that UI and command feedback, and buying menus inside other menus inside other menu. Seriously, folks rag on D—k S—t for the same shit but not DF? DF is the BC3K of the roguelikes.

my pre-order won’t install either. It won’t even show up in my games list, but if I add the key again it says its already on the account. AWESOME!!!

my pre-order won’t install either. It won’t even show up in my games list, but if I add the key again it says its already on the account. AWESOME!!!

close steam and reopen.

already did. it doesnt show up in my games list now