A large mod for Deus Ex (The Nameless Mod) has been released

I have a question.I have Deus Ex GOTY edition with integrated patch 1.112fm (it says so in the menu).
When I try to install Nameless Mod, the game tells me that I do NOT have this patch installed, and that I should install it.I click on OK (because cancel cancels the installation) and patch is run, but when I want to install the patch, it tells me that of course my version is incompatible with it.So I click on cancel, in which moment the installation of Nameless mod starts (so now it does not matter that I do not have the patch eventhough I have it).
After it is completed, I install TNM 1.02, I start the game, everything looks ok, I start new game, everything seems to be ok - good graphics, music, sound, no problems.

So, why the hell did it misdetect my game? is is a normal behaviour, did it happen to anyone else? Thanks : ).

I also have the GOTY edition, and began to play TNM just yesterday, without problems. At first in the installation there was a message box saying that the game had to be run at least one time before the installation of the mod, so i pressed cancel, did it, and then ran again the setup of TNM (the same dialog appeared, but this time i just pressed ok).

I remember how in the end of the installation of DX Goty the setup itself installed a patch (i had to press “yes to overwrite” a lot of times), perhaps there was some error in your installation and that’s why the mod tried to install the patch. Try to reinstall everything.

My GOTY version has the patch in it completely - there is no patch installation at the end of normal installation.Also, it has zero DRM (not even disc check), it was a release Deus Ex Anthology which was released in Czechia, containing DX1,DX2 and Project Snowblind.All games are patched to latest versions and have no DRM.
And I do not think there was a problem with my installation…the game worked perfectly and the short moment I tried the mod, it also worked perfectly.The only thing I had installed over vanilla was interface fix, which is three little files and one ini change - I do not suppose that could be the culprit?

Anyway, I will try to reinstall it later, but I have a feeling I will get that “wrong version” dialog anyway.

Yeah, it seems a different version than mine. Mine it’s only Deus Ex, and have a disc check.

Was going to hold off posting until I beat it, but wanted to mention I’m enjoying this. I can suspend disbelief on everything that seems like it would be way too nerdy, and I’m able to get on with the fun Deus Ex gameplay. Hurray. Two questions:

How do I check how many credits I have?

I just made it to DXI and the save game system says I’ve played for 6 and a half hours. Could someone tell me how far I am through the mod? While working through my backlog I have OCD about knowing how much more I need to go with everything.

I have played for almost 4 hours and i feel i am still in the beginning of the real story…

And yeah, the mod is great. If you like Deus Ex, you will like TNM. Exploration, quests, dialogue, combat, augs, hacking, air vents, it’s all there. Just skip mentally the fact that some names and organizations have their origin in a game forum and you will be good to go.

I totally thought I’d agree with the haters in this thread. The opening conversations seemed to confirm that description – a deluge of in-jokes – but I kept going and uh, I like it.

I guess I just can’t get enough of scavenging kitchens for lock picks and hacking emails. I’m even laughing at the jokes now. Hell, I initially avoided the Fan Fiction shop per the description earlier in the thread… but then I laughed when I ran into fake Walter Simmons in the basement.

It feels like Deus Ex. Intertwined quests, constant contacts from factions on your head radio, and lots of little details that really make it if you’re into them. They do the thing where they script out little audio bits for tons of minute cases. When you have to go meet the guy in the apartment during the intro, he has, I think, 8 different ways of telling you you’re at the wrong door. One particular detail… <SPOILERS for the rest of this paragraph> I logged onto a computer as usual and started reading email. Deus Ex is all about the fake email, fake newsgroups, right? Then I saw an APPS button, oh look, Tetris. It works. Neat. An IRC button! Cool, an alternative channel to email, another fun thing for hacking. Looks good! I’m impressed they bothered to make the fake client scroll rather than just dump a screen like the messages do. Then I tried seeing if it would respond. Then it seemed impossibly impressive, and then, uh, WTF!?! This can’t be scripted, so, these are real people? Yup. They built a real IRC client into the virtual computer. To me, it was like a reverse Matrix experience – wait, this is REAL? Total mind fuck that fit the tone of the mod perfectly.
<end spoilers>

Tech notes:

Purchased from Steam. Core i7 and 64 bit Vista. Worked without modification. Running TNM 1.02.

Graphical Upgrades:

Enhanced OpenGL Renderer + New Visions + HDTP, running at 1920 with maxed out AA and AF on a 4850. Looks great except for faces. New Visions works automatically. For HTDP, you have add some lines to tnm.ini in the right places. That’s also the file to tweak the res and extra quality settings. Fonts too – if they are too small at high res, there’s a forum sticky with a fix.

There are even newer renderers (per pixel lighting, bloom, bump mapping) that might be worth investigating for the technically inclined.

It’s a brilliant work of art. It’s fitting that the greatest game of all time should have the greatest mod of all time.

And the music is perfect too.

Timely bump because I was just going to come in and mention I finally beat it. Surprised how long it felt. Everything that has been said about the mod basically sums it up. You get the feeling it’s not perfect retail quality but still surprisingly very, very good.

My only complaint is a personal one I have about FPS-RPG sneak shooters in general: by the final levels I just want to kill everyone and get the story over with. Doesn’t help that usually those final levels are packed full of corridors and enemies.

Replayed the ending a few times to try the various options I had given my previous choices. I don’t think this is much of a spoiler, but my favorite part of any of them was Ryan’s final words. Chilling and well done. You’ll figure out how to trigger this if you come across it, so be sure to try it.

It really was good. Ironically, I found the “B” plot with the Goats and Llamas far more compelling than the “A” plot. As weird as the Goats/LLamas conflict was, it followed the Deus Ex model of gradually introducing the player to it, then drawing them deeper and deeper into it over the course of the game. The primary plot made the huge mistake of asserting that your character begins the game already knowing all these NPCs and organizations that the player doesn’t have a freaking clue about. So I ended up doing a lot of mandatory stuff that I had pretty much zero emotional investment in.

It’s the same goof Invisible War made, either ironically or appropriately enough. “Here, meet Billie. She’s your BEST FRIEND. No, really!”

So, the game began to crash to windows one and another and another time, without hope of success. In the end i had to quit the game and forget it.

I reached the offices of the ABI complex, somewhat near the end of the game, i suppose.
Can anyone spoil me the end? I was in the PDX side, and helped the DXI and Goat guys.

DX1 had Paul.

Yes. DX1 had Paul. Grunt grunt.

In DX1, the player was allowed to get to know Paul, via direct conversation and conversations about him, over the course of many hours of gameplay. He was made a consistent, recurring feature of the player’s world. And only then did they have Paul turn on UNATCO.

Contrast with IW, where Billie turns on Tarsus within the first 15 minutes of the game. Inexplicably, the designers actually expected the player to care.

There are still a few big choices to be made after that point.

I can make a minor spoiler about the structure of the ending, so people playing who don’t want to know this can look away. There is one main ending in-game cinematic to show the effect of your big decisions (one that occurs after where you are and one that depends on who you joined, obviously) and then a resolution sequence that lists off all the other little sub plots.

Might want to see if you can grab a savegame from later in the mod or something. Not sure why it would steadily get worse for you in terms of crashing. The last level is not quite as fun as the others but it does have a lot of story content to it.

The final patch is out.

Now I know what I’m doing this weekend.

Best mod evar.

Holy crap.

I’ll be downloading this mod later.

I’m going to have to play this soon. DX:HR made me wonder what King Kashue from Planet Deus Ex might be up to. Google took me to his character page on the Nameless Mod Wiki. I decided to look for my old PDX name. There’s no character page for it, but apparently I’m the bartender in the Partyzone.

The first hub in DX:HR kind of reminds me of TNM (along with Vampire: Bloodlines, etc. etc.)

Yeah, I got a huge Bloodlines vibe wandering around in Detroit.