Accepted As The Vox Populi

“V” petitions the government for redress of grievances. If I lived in DC, I’d be there next week.

On Monday, November 6, 2006, “V” visited security check points at the White House, the main Treasury, IRS and Justice Department Buildings and the Capitol. “V’s” purpose was to deliver the People’s Petitions for Redress of Grievances relating to the Government’s violations of the war powers, tax, privacy and money clauses of the Constitution, and to inform key Government officials that at least 100 more “Vs” would be at their doorstep on November 14th expecting a response to the Petitions

It’s an interesting expression of what I think is a true groundswell that’s happening the wake the wave.

As the beltway insiders have been busy trying to deconstruct last Tuesday’s victory as “left vs. right” it’s becoming clear that what we’ve seen is the tools our forefathers gave us in action: The ability of the people to demand that the government address the issues of the people and throw them out of office if they don’t.

Yeah, that’s what happened. It wasn’t an election…it was a revolution. The people overthrew the govt. The Bastille is next!

call it evolution. suck it gop base!

Curious to see what the turnout will be like tomorrow.

It’s pretty amusing but I suspect what you have is one old banker who doesn’t feel like paying his taxes masquerading as a quaintly verbose champion of the people. Coopting the “V” imagery is a sharp move though. If I hadn’t read past the intial story I’d be cheering him on myself.