Active volcanism

People are really right up to it, heh.

Helpful YT volcano-panic algorithms are reminding me that the Yellowstone caldera has been having an unusually high number of small earthquakes this year. Perhaps it’s pointing to some cryptic deep magma movements. Or perhaps our time is up and everyone in the mountain west without 2 million sunblock is going to have a really bad day.

One sightseer now missing at the site of the lava flows for several hours. The last several days many tourists have been walking on cooled lava crust despite warnings from rescuers that in the event of sudden cracking or movement they could not be saved. Hope this isn’t going to have a gruesome ending.

That is actually an ancient volcano. The crater of the volcano is massive. There is a giant lake in it, and on an island in the lake is the part that is erupting.

It is really worrying because there is a pretty damn big city built on the northern lip of the crater. I had dinner on a balcony on the crater rim a few years ago.

Even more unnerving at the base of the volcano is Metropolitan Manila, one of the most densely populated regions on Earth with 22 million people. The heart of Manila is only 40 miles from the volcano.

Another Icelandic hotspot.

That’s fine, just ask on TV for people to give advice on how the fireman can put it out.


But actually, if you watch the full video, she corrects herself in less that half a second, she meant the fires provoked by the volcano.

La Palma

And if you zoom in really, really close, you can see this guy saying “Here, hold my beer!”


My brain initially parsed that as ‘Toba eruption creates biggest explosion ever seen from space’ and thought… well… it’s been nice…

I’ve been watching too much of The Expanse.

Tonga… not Toba…

edit: I just now learn the full name is Hunga Tonga Hunga Ha’api

This volcano’s got swag

Would have loved to have a camera showing the underwater segment of the Tonga explosion.

I can’t find any information as to how much power this thing packed.

It’s funny because the first video made me think about how badly we depict big, big explosions, obviously there’s a ton happening at the scene but very quickly it all starts moving as slow as particles in a cloud of gas (thinking about blowing up Alderan, for example.) Then the second video kinda slapped me the other way, sure it’s slow on a lot of macro levels but goddamned, it’s still so huge!

Gripping hand, the thing that always gets me going is realizing that if you buy a globe and then dip that globe in, maybe, the oil that goes in your car engine or maybe mayonnaise then it’s actually a decent representation of how thin the atmosphere of Earth is compared to its size or diameter.

Yea that shockwave is unreal.

Still having trouble with communications in Tongo:

Yech and this isn’t good:

Scott Manley had a great video he posted about this yesterday.

It’s like going from a color tv, to a black and white tv.