Activision being sued again over represenations of musicians in game

Activision going beyond the bounds of their contract and then refusing to change it (if that is in fact how it played out) sounds like reason enough for Stefani to be pissed.

I can see where it might upset other people. Frankly, I think it’s a bit disrespectful, but I also recognize that’s just my personal opinion and there’s nothing I can do but turn up my nose and not buy the product. If those who license the image of the artist think it’s fine, that’s their right to do so.

However, if No Doubt is offended at this and this is a non-contractual use of their image, they have every right to sue the shit out of Activision. I know that I wouldn’t want to be shown singing some song that sends a message I don’t approve of.

While it’s still dumb that Activision is getting sued over this…I think I understand now.

I think what it shows at the very least is the difference between Harmonix and Activistion/Neversoft, where with Harmonix you get a general sense of reverence/respect for music, while with Activision it feels very much like they see it just as a product.

Respect doesn’t help you sell $20 million in shares…

No Doubt wins Round 1 against Activision. Activision will appeal.

Did Love ever actually sue as she (addle-brainedly and drunkenly) threatened she would? If so, where is that at?

Go go Stefani!