Age of Wonders 3

Based on those statements I’m afraid this might be a MOBA with AoW stuff. Please, PLEASE tell me I’m wrong.

That would be so… unfortunate.

What statements? Something I said?

I can’t speak for anyone else but I for one am just babbling nonsensically. Nothing to see here.

I feel like reading any statements made so far and believing on any level this “turn-based game that AOW fans will love” could be a MOBA is quite a leap, even for a guy with a frog as an avatar.

It was some of the previous statements made by the Paradox or Triumph staff (which I just read and now I can’t find). It reminded me of when we wanted more AoW and we got Overlord.

So I was thinking, if it wasn’t AoW 4 as a 4x game, what else could they produce that they think would make the AoW fanbase still be OK with? A MOBA with all AoW stuff in it is what came to mind as someone mentioned a possible RTS.

Speculating is fun, just tell me it’s gonna be AoW4 LOL.

Well you can rest easy at least as they have confirmed the game they are going to unveil is a turn-based strategy game. It’s one of the few things we know for sure.

They did? How in the world did I miss that?

Unknown. It’s been talked about in this thread a few times? It was announced awhile back on their news page.

I think a turn-based MOBA is unexplored territory though. An under-served market just ripe for the picking.

If they made a Kohan clone with AOW3 heroes as the Kohans, it could potentially be awesome. Doubt we ever get that, and the concept would work better with Elemental.

Did someone say Kohan!? Oh hi guys!

Sorry, got busy at work so I couldn’t find this, but here is a tweet from just a few days ago.


The bit about it appealing to AoW fans was written in a blog from 2015 actually.

They talk about an engine re-write which is why I have thought it was going to be the new AoW3 engine they had just built but a 64-bit (and probably even more improvements) in this blog, as well.

I see above I myself read on their forums that it was turn-based back in May 2017, but I have no idea which thread that might have been. Also going up above @Alstein and agreed by @KevinC himself are the ones that told me it was not AoW4, but there isn’t a source cited. Maybe they remembers where he read that?

Turn-based mobile F2P movie tie-in game for Bright.

Game tie-in for the upcoming Wheel of Time TV series :p

Actually you may have a point there. Work on AoW3 started in 2010, announced 2013, released 2014.

Eternal Lords was released 2015 iirc.

I’m still mildly embarrassed by my comments at that time, because I ended up enjoying Overlord…

the new game is:

  • turn based
  • 64bit
  • something AoW players will like.

That gives us plenty of room to work with.

I wouldn’t say no to an Aow4, but one stroke against that is there was a 10 yr gap between SM and 3.

Before that though, from AoW1 to AoW2, the gap was pretty small.

I do know however that the game is not Fantasy Stripper Tycoon, despite me giving a quite impassioned and well thought out pitch for hot to make it work…:(

Noooo! Thankfully I didn’t pre-order already.

Pretty cool these guys are still patching this:

Also made reference to their “secret project”

These guys continue to be up there as some of my favorite developers. I’m really excited to see what they are working on!

The reference being that they will be announcing their secret project somewhere between May18-20 2018, at PDX Con.

Ermahgerd. So excited.