Age of Wonders 3

Against the AI or independents yes, against another player no.

Planetfall got a nice sale today, so if you’ve waited for it to go cheap now’s the time. Also DLC.

We’re looking for two additional players (currently have 4) for our latest 6P MP game! Details here. Any takers?

Oh, I might be interested! I’m a bit of a noob if that matters? Is it a comp stomp or FFA?

Never mind, reading the link ;-)

When I started playing this again I was getting really sluggish performance for my system specs and the age of the game, and it looked pretty rough too. I shifted it over to my SSD as per the PC Gaming Wiki page’s advice and that made a world of difference but I also went into Nvidia Inspector to try and sharpen up the visuals because the default anti-aliasing is pretty weak.

With these setting in-game and in Nvidia Inspector Age of Wonders runs and looks so much better. I expected screen tear with vsync turned off but I’ve not witnessed any and it all feels very snappy too.

FYI in case anyone needs a similar performance/visual bump.


AA flag: 0x084112C5

That’s nice thanks geggis.

No new Age of Wonders 3 turns for me yet? I’m sad.

Tempted to boot this up next week and tweak settings like this. Thanks

Heh, I think i was the one that added that to the wiki years ago after digging it up in a forum.

Oh! Well a thank you is in order because it made one hell of a difference for me. Those AA flags can be tricky to track down sometimes and the PC Gaming Wiki is the perfect place for them. Thanks!!

Apologies in advance, realize this doesn’t technically belong here, but couldn’t find a catch all 4x thread but wanted to post this just because it looked interesting and I’d heard nothing about it before stumbling across this today:

If you build it, they will come ;)

This looks neat! Not out until tomorrow though, that’s some nonsense.

Here’s a better video:

There’s the Indie Games Worth Knowing About thread too

How does it compare to the other hexbased 4x Master of the Arcane?

What, Warlock? Warlock eats butts, so probably it compares pretty well.

Damn, you must play some epic games, considering how good Warlock is.

And it’s good.

TIL legowarrior is wrong in many subforums!

But not this one, is how you should end that phrase.