Age of Wonders 3

Does anyone understand the rules by which the AI will decide to ally with you or not? I am pure good, the other Ai is pure good. We are at peace and have open borders. My reputation with them is like 1200. I own half the world.I have an insanely large army, yet they refuse to ally with me. In fact, no AI in this game will ally with me. I am getting so tired of this kind of stupid BS. Its going to turn into yet another slog of taking over the world. Am I going to just have to declare war on them at some point? Is this the only way?

BTW, if you declare war on someone, are you removed from their territory?

To me it seems like alliances are borked. I’ve been in the same situation as you and the AI has never agreed to an alliance. They either say they are focusing on stronger allies or that it doesn’t work out for them. I have offered 100s of gold and mana, dozens of gold and mana per turn. They just don’t accept. So after like 10 games of trying for alliances I just kill them instead.

You aren’t removed from their territory, but if you have a peace agreement you have to wait 1 turn before attacking.

Ok. At least I can set up a kill really fast then. That is one thing that really annoys me in AoW3, is the strategic AI is terrible. In fact, I usually know I have “won” the game once I have 4 or so well developed cities. The other braindead thing they do is if they are already engaged in a war, they still declare new wars. All of this is why I stopped playing AoW3 to begin with. Other than the horrendous strategic AI, it is a brilliant game.

What difficulty are you playing on? I lost my first 5 games or so when I started playing again. Since then I think I have about a 75-80% winning percentage on Lord, so I still have to work for it.

I am playing on Lord difficulty. As far as I know the difficulty does not affect the quality of the AI, just the resources it gets. So on a harder difficulty it would simply have more units to express it’s stupidity with. For me, that is not a satisfying experience, to beat an idiot who just has a cash advantage.

Basically if you win the early game, you have won the late game. Have you ever lost a game once you were in a solid position? For me, it has been early on attacks by the AI that do me in. If it can’t beat me then, then it will never beat me.

That depends on how you set your game up though. There are a lot more variables than just the difficulty.

I guess I don’t always know how solid my position is because I probably don’t scout deep into other player’s territory as much as I should. Usually it is a mystery until he starts going to the Seals, then I get to see how tough the other players are as they go for Seals, and how easy I can dislodge them or hand on to my own. It’s usually pretty hectic at least for a bit. I had been playing with default settings, except setting the initial city to Outpost and starting leader skills to none. For my last 2 games I’ve decreased the frequency of the treasure and resource sites to low also.

I’m curious what other peoples favorite set ups are? I’ve spent the most time playing in Adventure mode because I enjoy the big army clashes more then the build-up, personally.

Hey, these Tigrans are cool! Pounce is awesome and I like how their cav can throw the sun spear without using AP. I’m very early into my game, but these 2 new abilities make them feel pretty new. I also like howI am a master keeper of the peace and a creation adept. I wanted to try a new race before trying a new class, spread out the newness! I also like how the cheetah and the prowler work together - one causes bleeding wounds and the other causes extra damage to units who are bleeding.

I’m the opposite, so you probably wouldn’t like my setup. Although I have to say I am becoming a bit more tolerant of the multi stack battles. I just really enjoy focusing on 6 units and how to use them.

I generally techup and mostly get my research going for my tier 4 units, or a decent tier 3. Sometimes Ill pick up spells / abilities if they seem useful early on, like healing or something. In my early game I focus on getting cities and leveling up my main hero. For cities in the early game, I have one city that focuses on unit techs, and the rest are economic. Once I get a decent tier 3 unit I can produce, I start cranking those out. I can normally get several or close to a full stack by the time some AI declares war on me. At this point they normally have several heroes with mostly t1 units, and sometimes t2. I then punish them, and the rest is history. Some games I am at peace a long time, and on rare occasions I am at war very early on. if available, I get a fair number of summons because I can get bigger armies without the gold cost.

My favorite classes are the warlord ( I can’t decide what skills are a good fit to go with them), and the sorceror.
My least favorite is the rogue. I just do not get them and they seem very boring to play.

I just encountered a Lost Soul. They’ve got an Exploit Despair ability that makes them do more damage vs. units with low morale. That’s pretty cool and adds some flavor - fitting for their undead unit type.

The War Hall says it unlocks Pikemen and Cavalry, but for the Tigran it unlocks the Prowler, which is infantry. I think for other races it unlocks Pikemen, so maybe just a textual bug for the Tigrans since they differed from the norm?

I don’t associate the War Hall with unlocking types of units, rather the next “tier” of units.

You often find them in the company of necromancer units who can Inflict Despair.

To add to a previous discussion from up-thread, there is indeed some sort of bug preventing the AI from casting spells in combat, which would include spells during auto-combat. It’s being investigated.

I was wondering about that.

Situationally, or the AI is completely incapable of doing so?

Some races deviate slightly from the normal progress. For tigrans, this is the reason.

In my current game (on King), I offered the AI an alliance along with a declaration of war against the other AI that he was locked in mortal struggle with. He rejected my offer, and on the same turn proposed making an alliance (with nothing else in the bargain). So my guess is that they always reject incoming alliance requests, even if it’s what they actually want.