Age of Wonders: Planetfall by Triumph Studios

Yep, definitely ought to push release half a year to address.

I can honestly say the look of the icons has barely any effect on whether I’d buy the game as long as I can make sense of them. I understand others place a greater importance on other things and that’s fine. I’m not criticizing your opinion.


Oh, man, I nearly forgot about today’s stream. Thankfully someone linked the archive in the forums!

Starts about 4 minutes and goes for about an hour (the rest seems to be for other Paradox games, fyi).

I’ll check it out momentarily.

Okay, I was able to watch yesterday’s stream and it looked great! I’m really happier and happier with the polish, visuals, and animations every time I see new versions, and this version even had some voice over stuff. Stuff I’ll want to turn off ASAP though, because being alerted that something was ready to prime every few turns got old fast and that was just me watching the hour long video. Still, I like they added that stuff in, even if I’ll be turning voices off as this kind of game I play while I watch TV, mostly.

I really like the new faction, the Syndicate, they have some amazing units that look fun to use, cool tech and optional ways to play, and some really interesting mechanics.

Next up, early this morning they did a charity stream and at the 5h 28m mark in this video, some people start a new game in Plaentfall and this seems like an unscripted (so far) look at the game.

I’m loving the zoom in this one. It’s at least as far zoomed out as AoW3 but without those insufferable clouds making you have to tick a few notches closer to the ground. And in the above stream, the guy zooms into and out of the tactical view and it’s glorious.

EDIT: For comparison, here is what most of the Triumph guys like @Lennart_Sas have been playing at when they stream:

That is a great zoom level!

Yep, yep, yep, yep.

August 6, y u so far away.

I’m smiling because someone (a friend, ofcourse…) may or may not have had some sort of input regarding that zoom.

EDIT> I want Tombles’ pokeball mug!

Given that stealth makes a return in AoW:Planetfall (and factions like Syndicate specialize in it) I hope it’s more functional in single-player compared to AoW3, where last I heard it didn’t really work. This always penalized certain builds (like Partisan set ups).

Hopefully it’s a solved problem, as I never play this series in multiplayer.

Yep, stealth is totally non functional vs AI in 3. I’d have ripped it out entirely personally.

Well stealth is/was always going to be an issue.

I think the effects of stealth are less aggravating and/or important because you always have a garrison in your cities in Planetfall, so the enemy can’t ninja your stuff, and neither can you.

Means you, and the enemy, need to bring an army.

Edit: btw, I am going to buy 5 copies at release for random gifting.

I’ll organise a raffle closer to release date, stay tuned.

That’s quite cool of you. Hopefully the winners are folks who might not otherwise have picked this one up and get to experience what Triumph is all about.

I’m ODing on AoW3 so hard right now I hope I don’t burn out before AoW Planetfall launches.

I’ve been playing variations of a Goblin Warrior lately till my eyes bleed.

Goblin Warlord?

Massed Butchers + Swarm Darters with a Blight Doctor or 2 work quite well.

Massed big Beetles if you want to play an attrition game.

Massed Untouchables are surprisingly good too.

What specialisations are you using?

I’ve been screwing around with the Neutral stuff, plus Water element. Mostly playing for seals victories, and swarming darters + berserkers early game and the Beetles + their stench racial upgrade later on.

Half the time I treat my games like an RPG, so I don’t strive for most efficient setups or anything.

Swarm Darters are so awesome. The buff where they got Seeker passively was huuuuuuuge.

My memory may be failing me but I think the could always ignore obstacles…

Imho Goblins are the hardest race to play as because they have lesss defence and less HP than anyone else, and not quite enough mobility to get an alpha strike off (like Tigrans) or damage to bring things down quickly.

Their strength is supposed to be in numbers, but given how it is fairly easy to mass any number of units (it will be much less easy to do this in PF btw) and given how 6 unit stacks are the max, this numbers advantage doesn’t play out.

If the stack limit was 12, for example, and Goblins cost half the price of Dwarves (the most expensive unit), then you could literally have 2 to one numerical superiority against Dwarves, and varying ratios against other races.

Then they’d be deadly.

If there is ever an AoW4 I will be pushing hard HARD for larger unit stacks.

How so? I have been watching streams and haven’t noticed anything particularly different in this area. I’ve seen one Vanguard player spam units in his build queue, low level units to be sure, but each was only taking 1 turn to build, maybe 2 turns for a variant with some mods?

The cost of a unit is no longer related to its time top produce.

For example, a unit may cost 20 energy but 300 production.

And boosting your city production is quite chalenging, especially in early game, because your main source is converting a sector into a production sector.

You can’t annex very many sectors very quickly.

You need 4, 8, 12, 16 pop to get new sectors.

Some sectors have production sites on them, for example certain landmarks have considerable (like 60 production iirc) production boosts, but require clearing out, and function as boss sites.

You are also limited to 2 specialsations per type of sector, e.g. you can only make 2 sectors production sectors.

Going form memory of screenshots and videos, your city starts with 80 production and your base infantry costs 200 production.

That’s 3 turns.

Unless you allocate colonists into production, in which case I think you can have 95 production from your first turn (but very little food or energy or science)

There is research to upgrade sectors, so you can upgrade your production sector from lvl 1 to lvl 2 etc, but you are trading that research for NOT getting a shiny new unit or mod.

Basically, the upgrade pathing is MUCH less linear than in AoW3.