Alien: Isolation - Aliens, Creative Assembly, and Ripley's daughter

While the game wasn’t perfect, I do have to give it my highest praise in that I made a point of finishing it.

I feel a lot of my enjoyment came from how well they did the atmosphere. The stuff like the text terminals. Something about it felt “fresh” in that it didn’t feel like other games even of it’s type. That luster might not carry through another howeverymany hours. That said, I’d love to play a sequel.

OK so - I’ve got good news and bad news! Looks like the game is a sequel, but - it’s a mobile game. Sigh.

Is this an out of season april’s fools joke?

this is now a meme deal with it :)

I don’t know, but this is definitely a meme -


Don’t you guys have phones?

I knew that was going to come up, so just for the record since we’re comparing battle wounds: this is worse than the Diablo mobile reveal, because you know that a Diablo 4 is in the works.

And now that I’ve purged my bile and watched the trailer and read a little bit more, I’m going to try to be positive. This looks a little bit like the Duskers approach of commanding crew to perform actions, but it might also have an element of Five Nights at Freddy’s where your character is actually in some danger? And I like both of those games (yes, even FNAF), so here’s hoping they pull a rabbit out of their hat and make a game worth playing.

Of all the game experiences that can’t be replicated on mobile, Alien Isolation would be pretty high up on my list.

But hey, I hear Doom RPG was pretty cool, so who the hell knows.

Perhaps it will at least be better than this officially licensed Alien game:


You could do a pretty cool mobile game just using the phone as a motion tracker, I reckon. Reverse Pokemon Go.