Alien Swarm - Free VALVE Source Mod

And, if it’s like the old UT2K4 mod, it’ll be about a trillion times harder too.

A video of the original game, so people have an idea of how it plays.


I’m definitely in.

— Alan

Two days away and Valve hasn’t pushed out the dedicated server yet… sigh.

I’m guessing they are using the l4d style lobby/matchmaking system, but it’s gonna awful without dedicated servers…

Alien Swarm is the best co-op game ever, so I can’t wait for this. I hope they’ve done something on randomising more of the alien entry points as eventually it did become a game of memorisation.

Think I might be down for this.

In all honestly… how could everyone not be down? It’s a free co-op multiplayer game where you kill aliens in quick and dirty fashion. And it looks pretty good too. Come on!!!

— Alan

Yeah, I remember the UT mod. Was good fun. Forgot that crew got pick up by Valve.

I loved, loved, loved Alien Swarm. Playing the original was one of the best coop experiences I’ve had and I figured that the sequel was long dead. So excited for this.


So they’re not going to let us preload it?

I’m so in for some of this… Although I would imagine Steam download speeds on Monday are going to be practically nothing.

-edit- Wait, I can play this for free right? It’s not a mod to some game I have to previously own?

Yeah from how I understand it, it’s free and not a mod.


Yes, it’s a free full Source Engine game, with Steamworks integration and the works, with the source code being released alongside it as an example to show other developers how to integrate with Steamworks.

I can’t wait to not only play the hell out of this, but to see what the community can come up with. With full mod support, this could turn into another Valve game with real legs.

Oh yes, also this. And as it is a free game, it will be have a high player count, which should stimulate the modding community.

Perhaps, but given the size of the game it might actually be less hassle to have one person hosting locally to allow for quick configuration, restart, etc. I’d understand a dedicated server requirement for more players, but given the same latency, it might just work.
I agree that a dedicated server would be a nice option though, certainly no reason not to have one at some point.

It begins.

We are going to have hundreds of maps! :D