All good demons go to... um... sequel? - Diablo 3 Announced

Of course, I found that 10m after I posted and have spent an hour playing around with it. Thanks for the info.

All good phishing goes to… um… China?

Watching some videos there doesn’t seem to be level limit on items. Or maybe the ones that have flashed up have all been appropriate. Either way is there a limitation on what a character can wear? Can wizards wear plate or are the forever stuck in cloth?

Items have a level requirement by default. There aren’t any cloth/leather/plate type of armor type limitations, although some specific armor pieces are limited to a certain class (Wizard Hats, Monk Spirit Stones, etc.) You can take a look at the official Diablo III site for examples of equipment for a Wizard, to see how it works.

Reviving the thread so the crappy one can fall off the front page again.


All good thread titles go to… um… second page?

Just wanted to let the people know who only read this thread that Talisker got a beta key.

Geez, I didn’t know there were such strict rules about which Diablo3 thread to use.

There aren’t - Diablo The Third threads are the wild west and frontier justice is the only justice we believe in.

You mean demonic frontier justice, right? After all this IS a Diablo thread…

All good demons go to pine boxes?

It’s not official without the um part.

God damn you for reviving this thread.

So, um, it’s nearly 2012. Any word on when this will be released?

Not this year!

Does anyone have an idea why there is no release date for this yet? Everything I read says that the game is ‘done’.

Can’t imagine them not having released it for Christmas if it was done. I’m sure they’re still working on it.

I can tell you from my beta experience that they’re still adding/updating things. Right now achievements are broken, for instance.