All-purpose gun legislation thread

Clearly it’s the fault of the Back Lives Matter protesters. If they hadn’t been so busy being black, none of this would have happened.

Loaded, cocked and aimed at your wife no less. Sounds like nap time.

Piedmont Ave isn’t even that bad.

Wouldn’t doubt he fell asleep with his finger on the fucking trigger.

“Guns don’t kill people, toddlers do”: The shocking new gun-control PSA focused on children

Yeah, that comment section was what I expected.

Is this the thread we’re using for shootings/shooter situations? Feels like it’s been a while (thankfully).

Thanks for the heads up, although replies on that tweet are edging closer to Youtube-level.

The only shots were from the police officer.

There was a crowd on the sidewalk from a fire alarm evacuation. The attacker drove his car into the crowd and jumped out with a butcher knife and started cutting. An OSU police officer arrived and shot and killed the attacker. Not a mass shooter, but likely a Nice style incident.

Yup, just saw an AP story saying no gun:

Welcome to life in Israel. Car ramming followed by knife attacks by Hamas/random Palestinians are routine.

Israel is much more peaceful and safer than the US.

This is potentially a political statement, not a crime and safety issue.

In the terms of Israeli on Israeli crime, your comment is absolutely correct. In terms of cross-border terrorist attacks, Israel is less safe than the US.

Overall, the rates are lower in Israel because it isn’t Murderland USA and pretty much everywhere on the planet is safer than your completely psychotic society.

[quote=“playingwithknives, post:4742, topic:67267”]
In the terms of Israeli on Israeli crime, your comment is absolutely correct. In terms of cross-border terrorist attacks, Israel is less safe than the US. [/quote]
No it is still safer.

I am Canadian, but I agree with your sentiment. However that is exactly why Americans should be not at all afraid of the negligible rate of terrorism. “terrorist” attacks could double, or triple, and still barely make a dent in the background of violence and random mass shootings.

Instead of having random rockets lobbed into our suburban areas (because Palestinians), we have random shooting sprees (because 'Murica.)

Fucked either way, I see it.

OSU still locked down due to heightened risk of Islamophobia :(

Here we go.

Pay attention:

That’s pretty good. I see signs off bullying there too which I think can often add to the problem.