All-purpose gun legislation thread

I’ll give up all violent games if they give up guns. Think they’ll go for it?

You remember part where I said I’d love to see supporting data, that’s not knee-jerking. The fact is the gun lobby in the USA is so afraid of research that they’ve screwed up the system enough where no one is really ready to take the plunge and look at it, see what the data actually shows.

Show me the data, but I am skeptical because women and minorities play and don’t seem even close to the sense of entitlement that these little shits seem to show. You know what else I am skeptical about, how the narrative quickly shifts to mental illness and sympathy for these guys as if they’re the only ones to experience rejection and disappointment.

Yeah, games may or may not play a contributing factor in activating the toxic menace of scorned, unstable children. But it’s funny that only Americans seem affected, isn’t it, when the same games are played worldwide? Why is it only America where children kill? Couldn’t have anything to do with the widespread availability of deadly weapons in this country: surely not.

White people aren’t the only ones to say, “Persons X did Y to me, therefore I will continue Z behavior.” We’re all human, even if that reflects something ugly about us.

Are you purposefully twisting everything I say? We’re not seeing women and minorities shooting up their schools like this. Why is it so hard to acknowledge that?

You’re nitpicking one particular trend. Just about everyone feels entitled about something.

What the hell. They’re not mass murdering in their schools. That’s not a nitpick Yak.

That’s due to access to guns, not any difference in human behavior. People do evil things because they’re people, even if no one wants to admit it.

Your responses don’t make any sense to me, and no one said they had to be “perfect angels” or that anyone else is… you keep re-editing your post but are you unhappy that these guys who keep murdering their peers, young people whose lives are permanently ended and their families left devastated are being potrayed unfavorably. Is that the complaint?

I’m saying people do bad things. People have bad things done to them. And people aren’t exempt form either of these.

Are you a mass murderer in disguise, because I think you’ll find that particular trait pretty damn rare.

This thread is about gun control (which should happen!), not “people A are better™ than people B”.

Regardless, like Newtonian physics, popularly-held social norms seem to break down when dealing with very small or very large numbers of disliked people. In reality, things are much more relative.

You think that me saying that the fact young white men are largely responsible for these school shootings, despite the girls and minorities having access to the same guns and being exposed to the same or similar experiences and entertainment material is somehow a twisted statement that says women and minorities are better than white men?

Did you ever consider that maybe when I say the sense of the entitlement that some of these young men receive might be part of the reason we’re seeing it from that group is more of a discussion point and a consideration of facts, you know since no one wants to research this stuff, instead of some of racist or sexist label?

I just don’t think young women are told they are entitled to have boyfriends. I mean women don’t really have an Incel equivalent group either. The bitterness or disappointment or social rejection feelings are there but this unbridled anger… to punish the world, isn’t really seen, at least not yet.

Maybe not take the fact that these shootings are largely white men as some sort of slight against white men and treat it like it is… a fact that’s worth evaluating.

You’re right that most of these school shooters are white men. But on a larger, global scale this fact is interesting but not so significant. There are acts of terrorism and abuse all over the world, and we should focus on addressing them everywhere, not zoom in with all the world’s news media and nitpick about race or gender or favorite TV show of some minuscule number of individuals in some minuscule corner of Redneckia. This is abuse, too.

I don’t know who the “we” is that should be addressing the world’s problems, but if I limit the “we” to Americans, maybe we could start here first.

This is crazy talk. We’re talking about gun control to restrict mass violence here. White males are responsible for virtually all mass violence in this country.

We are talking about American gun violence here. If you want to volunteer to fight overseas for the Rohingya, no one is stopping you. If you just want to talk about their tragedy, there are other threads for that.

I agree with gun control, but I don’t think focusing with a microscope is going to solve anything.

Yak is saying #alllivesmatter. Why should we focus on these people doing this thing when so many people all over the world are doing and having done to them? It’s bullshit.

We’re focusing on this and them because that it’s the current problem in front of us, and we are fully capable of multitasking and looking at other problems in other places, thankyouverymuch.

So in other words there’s no point in doing anything at all in the world if we don’t solve all the world’s problems at once? What an argument.

I don’t understand, I said I agree with gun control. Isn’t that what you want?