All-purpose gun legislation thread

I suspect the parents are in for a world of legal hurt.

Trying this in Texas seems optimistic to me.

Edit: It stops before anything lethal is shown, but you definitely know how it ends.

No one else in the restaurant was injured. Investigators said the suspect ended up not having a real gun.

That’s the world Texas politicians, and some percentage of Texans, want to live in. I suspect more don’t actually want to live in that world than do but can’t see a way of changing things.

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

Yeah. Though at one level I still think it’s truly tragic–preventing the loss of a few bucks is not worth a life, even if the life was that of a thief. OTOH, no way the customer could know in the moment that the dude didn’t have a real weapon and wasn’t about to unload on someone. I really can’t blame the customer in this case, sad as it all is.

I notice that as the video pauses right as the customer pulls out the gun, not only is it pointed at the robber, but also the old man sitting in the corner. I hope he wasn’t an inadvertent casualty.

This is my big problem with a country where everyone is armed and wants to be the hero. I don’t want to be in a diner where some jackass starts unloading to try to save the day even if the intent is good.

Illinois bans “assault weapons.”

As long they define assault weapons as every gun available, I am down with it.

Justice Kavanaugh - “LOL, you wish.”

Normal product launch:

LOL, “Wee 1 Tactical”. I guess “Tactical Toddler” was already taken.

Not sure what’s funnier - that you have to be 18 to enter their site, or those skulls representing the kids on that brochure.

Bad guys wearing body armor make it harder for good guys with guns to live out their fantasies.

It can make you kinda bullet proof.

Not necessarily ;)

Both robbers were killed,

Thus ‘kinda’.

Is this the general gun thread, or should this go somewhere else?

I just think it says something about the state the country is in when and event like this is… well, it’s news of course, but it’s not shocking news that leads to dozens of posts.

Nothing is going to change until and unless the 2nd Amendment is repealed, or until a Supreme Court comes along with a fundamentally different viewpoint on the amendment than any Court in the past. Even then, the chances of actually implementing any rulings significantly changing how we interpret the 2nd, in ways that would reduce the quantity of guns out there, seems questionable too. Neither eventuality though seems like something that will ever occur. At least not in the foreseeable future.

If the amount of mass shootings has not changed minds by now, I doubt anything will. That does not mean other efforts are in vain, not totally. Constantly pushing at the state level for saner practices, even if the laws get tossed by the Supreme Court, might actually help shift the mentality of people over time. So local and state efforts are useful. They just won’t solve the entire problem, just as a “mere” federal law or package of laws wont solve the problem until those laws can be implemented and deemed constitutional.