All Your Tweets Are Belong to Us: what does Twitter say about next-gen consoles?

Title All Your Tweets Are Belong to Us: what does Twitter say about next-gen consoles?
Author Clay Heaton
Posted in Features
When November 15, 2013

This is an exciting season to be a console gamer. Regardless of whether you decide to make a day-one purchase of the PS4 or Xbox One, you likely are slurping up console news and unboxing videos in anticipation of release..

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Anybody interested in the script can find it here:

Nope, sorry, still not convinced that twitter has any use.

Neat project! Looking forward to seeing what you can pull out of this. Are you going to be trying to auto-code any of the content, or will you be looking strictly at the metadata?

This article was completely unexpected. Who knew Quarter to Three had an analytics department?

Long live Big Data!

Awesome project Clay. Would be interesting if you can get a few maps together off the location data.

The geotags are pretty sparse in the data. There's self-reported location, but a lot of those are things like "Mordor." Ha.